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Nope, that's not the good news. Though it is a terrific sculpt. But as said, Spenser agreed yesterday to do the Bar Marion sculpt. Bad timing now that there's TWO sculpts; competition.

Funny -- no sculpts forever, now TWO sculpts! Typical.

No, the good news has to do with the bar clothing. But that will be posted soon.

:rock :rock

Can't wait to hear what the news is!
Sorry it took me a bit to get here. The announcement is:

First I wanted to make it clear that unfortunatly I don't have time to take this on because I have been working through my backlog stuff. At least I am finally seeing the light at the end :yess: However Spenser and I had discussed this project last year and I did quite a bit of work studying her outfit and such. I am going to go ahead and have a few yards of the custom fabric for her shirt printed up because I spoke to Spenser earlier about it, and it looks like his mom is willing to sew up some shirts for the project. When I get home tonight I will dig up the pattern it did for it and post a sample. Sorry I didn't have time to do it myself, but at least I can still help out in some way. Btw it will be professionally printed on lightweight cotton like in the attached sample pic here.


i don't want to step on anyone's foot, but condensing some of these threads will help coordinate the project. there's already a headsculpt out there completed it looks like...

again don't want to step on any feet or prevent friendly competition...

but with so many other projects out there to do, can't but help thinking it will spread revenues thin to have multiplicity. perhaps someone can take on Cairo Marion?
i don't want to step on anyone's foot, but condensing some of these threads will help coordinate the project. there's already a headsculpt out there completed it looks like...

again don't want to step on any feet or prevent friendly competition...

Well I think we should keep this thread to the whole custom itself and then each sculptor can have their own threads for their own heads.

But I think this should be the only thread where we discuss the full custom.
i don't want to step on anyone's foot, but condensing some of these threads will help coordinate the project. there's already a headsculpt out there completed it looks like...

again don't want to step on any feet or prevent friendly competition...

but with so many other projects out there to do, can't but help thinking it will spread revenues thin to have multiplicity. perhaps someone can take on Cairo Marion?

Although I see what you mean with that third thread. That one should probably get merged with this one.

I will leave it to the sculptors to decide what they want to do. I may end up buying both.
I'm definately in for this

Sorry it took me a bit to get here. The announcement is:

First I wanted to make it clear that unfortunatly I don't have time to take this on because I have been working through my backlog stuff. At least I am finally seeing the light at the end :yess: However Spenser and I had discussed this project last year and I did quite a bit of work studying her outfit and such. I am going to go ahead and have a few yards of the custom fabric for her shirt printed up because I spoke to Spenser earlier about it, and it looks like his mom is willing to sew up some shirts for the project. When I get home tonight I will dig up the pattern it did for it and post a sample. Sorry I didn't have time to do it myself, but at least I can still help out in some way. Btw it will be professionally printed on lightweight cotton like in the attached sample pic here.


Great news on the shirts!


Looks like I picked the right time to FINALLY start bashing some Indy figures!

I'm thrilled there will be multiple head sculpts, too! There's an excellent chance I'll end up picking up both! (Though I am hoping at least one of the heads features Marion's signature grin. In my opinion, it's not really Marion Ravenwood if she doesn't twinkle just a little!)

Good news indeed on the shirt -- that was the last KEY to this project! I knew people would be excited!


i don't want to step on anyone's foot, but condensing some of these threads will help coordinate the project. there's already a headsculpt out there completed it looks like...

again don't want to step on any feet or prevent friendly competition...

but with so many other projects out there to do, can't but help thinking it will spread revenues thin to have multiplicity. perhaps someone can take on Cairo Marion?

I'm shocked after years that all of a sudden multiple threads pop up and multiple headsculpts! Where was everyone before? :lol

Anyway, while I agree, this Project thread is rather specific to Spenser's Marion -- and the spyder sculpt is it's own thing. I'd say leave them separate.

It's not like there's been a lot of activity in the INDY section lately. Crowded? For whom?
This excellent news! I'd have to agree with Wor-Gar that with such a simple outfit the shirt really has to be nailed. Very exciting project, and now there two different headsculpts to chose from? Awesome!
Just wanted to let everyone know that we had no intention of getting the jump on the efforts of everyone involved with this project. It didn't sound like anyone was officially sculpting a portrait of Marion until last night when Wor-Gar mentioned that he had contacted Spencer. This is a portrait we had wanted to do for some time as big Indiana Jones fans and after noticing that there was an interest in her, we had been working on her off and on for the past few weeks. We apologize if it seemed like we were being intrusive in any way.
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We apologize if it seemed like we were being intrusive.

Oh no, you’re fine dude, you saw a gap and took the initiative, no big deal.

This project has been a long “will Sideshow or won’t they” deal (most of it behind the scenes) for well over a year now. And it’s just become clear that they aren’t going to do it in the for seeable future. No one wanted to do a project that was going to be an official Sideshow product so it’s been a slow road getting here.

And on that note I wouldn’t do any Temple of Doom projects any time soon…:wink1:
Oh no, you’re fine dude, you saw a gap and took the initiative, no big deal.

This project has been a long “will Sideshow or won’t they” deal (most of it behind the scenes) for well over a year now. And it’s just become clear that they aren’t going to do it in the for seeable future. No one wanted to do a project that was going to be an official Sideshow product so it’s been a slow road getting here.

And on that note I wouldn’t do any Temple of Doom projects any time soon…:wink1:

Thanks Spenser. And thanks for the heads up on the ToD material! :)
Oh no, you’re fine dude, you saw a gap and took the initiative, no big deal.

This project has been a long “will Sideshow or won’t they” deal (most of it behind the scenes) for well over a year now. And it’s just become clear that they aren’t going to do it in the for seeable future. No one wanted to do a project that was going to be an official Sideshow product so it’s been a slow road getting here.

And on that note I wouldn’t do any Temple of Doom projects any time soon…:wink1:

HOLD IT! Whatcha got from TOD???? :naughty
Just wanted to let everyone know that we had no intention of getting the jump on the efforts of everyone involved with this project. It didn't sound like anyone was officially sculpting a portrait of Marion until last night when Wor-Gar mentioned that he had contacted Spencer. This is a portrait we had wanted to do for some time as big Indiana Jones fans and after noticing that there was an interest in her, we had been working on her off and on for the past few weeks. We apologize if it seemed like we were being intrusive in any way.

No need to apologize but thank you for the message. Great work on the sculpt too. It's nice to see people taking an interest at long last in Indy again, particularly RAIDERS.
OK, let's get on track with the outfit parts here for Marion Ravenwood NEPALESE BAR attire:

Brown/Green striped shirt -- currently being customized
Emerald Green scarf -- silk with gold accents -- possibly being customized
Green/white camisole -- I'd check Barbie
Brown Pants -- Fred Murtz style, really unflattering -- side pockets, pleat, no pockets in back
Lighter Brown Belt -- gold buckle
Brown Work boots -- similar to Indy and Sallah


Whiskey bottle -- probably use one from the SS Bond collection
Shot glass -- again, Bond
Head piece to the Staff of Ra -- Medicom?
Wad of cash -- Joker money
Burning Log (club)
Cigar Box -- to hold money

Missing anything?

Come on guys, give a hand here... any ideas or parts found let us know.