Mr. Fusion
Super Freak
Really nice!
Sexy back...
Which body did you get?
I would suspect that he's using the HT Sarah Connor body. That looks very similar to the one Ben and I have. The only difference is mine has relaxed hands.
Really nice!
Sexy back...
Which body did you get?
Now the only problem are her feet...
I've been looking in to that. It is a bit of a problem. Strange HT has no feet for these figs. It will take surgery with other feet or those odd high heel feet.
Can't we just use the Hot Toys TrueType females that come with high heel feet and flat feet? If not the whole body, than use the feet that come with them on the Whistler and Conner bodies?
Very nice!!!!
1st set of both!
She looks great, MOC! What body are you using?