Interested in the mask!
MoonCat are you still doing yours?
allright guys I have the mold done and here is the first pull.$22.00 bucks shipped here in the states.add $12.50 for outside the states.
Can you show how you are attaching it to the figure?
I wanted a screen accurate Nazi Kroenen Mask.and not juat a copie of the SideShow mask
Am I the only one whose bought one of these then ? after 5 others raised their hands ?
yep your the only the way you should have yours any day now.
Are we supporting recasting here?
Late coming to the Nazi Kroenen figure custom. Is this mask sculpt dead? Really wanted a head that would be a little smaller so the hat would fit better. I am going ahead with the custom using the posts by Elvis and others as a guide.
Old Grandpa