Quick questions on bleaching the pants. How exactly did you do it? Did you just dip them for a bit? and if so, how long?
Thanks guys for liking the Obi custom, but Sunohc excellent headsculpt is what made it really possible.
As for the bleeching.. I did it awhile back so some detials might have been forgotten, but basically i first made a mixture of 1 part water to 2 part bleech solution and pour into a bucket. I then dip the pants in the solution and left it for about 10 to 15 mins. once it has the desired color, I pulled it out, rinsed it with water then through Baking powder all over pants to hopefully neutrelize the bleech from continaully eating at fabric.
I use gloves at all time (and you should wear eye protection too, but i have to admit I didnt). ALso be aware that there is a ceratin point the fabric cannot go any lighter. For example I tried to bleech the ROTS Obi Under shirt which is a darker brown to be light. Well the 2part/1part solution didnt seem to do nother after keeping shirt in there for 3 hours, so I started slowly adding more a more bleech and letting more time go by. Well eventually I got to FULL Bleech with NO water mix, and left the shirt in there a few hours. I come back and see the shirt still has not changed much color so I go and pick up the shirt from the bucket and it basicaly started to disintegrate in my hands and was all mushy. If after i left what remained dry up it looked like this:
So be careful with that bleech stuff.