For those that missed it in the Jabba thread, here are my construction notes, and again, big props to CustomMikey, he was a pioneer and without his work before me, I wouldn't have even been inspired to take this on, nor would I have had direction in making it happen, thanks again man.
I used the Triad S1 Female body, only costs $13, and the Leia pieces I took from the first Slave Leia Hasbro made, and it makes a difference, the paint colors and the cloth material are different on the R2-Leia 2pack version and the skirt looks of a lesser material to me. The A-Cup chest for the Triad body fits perfectly into the bikini. I just took the bikini off and put it on the body, popped the head of then it got into a little customizing. There's articulation to the Triad neck, and I liked that, so when it came time to put Leia's head on I had two options, cut some of the head away around the neck socket to fit it on because the whole is exactly the same size as the Triad neck and wouldn't go on, or fatten the connecting part of the triad neck, so I fattened with a soft rubber eraser, forgive me I don't remember the technical name for it but I had a good ammount of it left over from college art class, it's almost like clay and playdoh material, but it's an eraser, it doesn't loose it's soft properties and it's semi-adhesive, so I padded the triad connecteor with it, popped Leia's head on it stays on with articulation so that's nice. The feet of the Hasbro boots are exactly the same size outside as the triad foot, but the Triad feet come off so I popped them off and just stuck the legs inside the boot, a snug fit but works good. The hardest part of it all was the skirt portion. Hasbro glued the cloth to the rubber metal front and back and glued that to the body, they came apart fine, then I had to pull of the side joints and cut away the excess rubber used to connect all of the ""metal"" pieces into the body so they would lay against the Triad body. The rubber is very soft, so I just took a small sewing needle and thread and tied all of the metal pieces together and used a small stitchs to attach the cloth back to the metal parts, then put the whole thing around the waist and tied off the last section, but being that it was all loose and might shift, I used some threads under the skirt to tie the front plate to the back plate to keep it down in place and that's how I got my Leia.
Triad Body