Here's that close-up of the Amana skulls. Sorry, I was trying to fix my broken camera but decided to go with the wife's phone and blast it with a lot of light... anyway, the front mummified head has the curved hook coming up from under the neck/base of skull and protruding through just above the cheek, then the big alien skull and the rear skull both have the "ponytail" coming off the crown of the skull with thin string wrapped just above where the ponytail connects to the skull. String ties them to the staff higher up.
All of the skulls and pelt swing around kinda loose when Amana moves the staff when Han is brought up to the throne room.
The staff is actually just a single straight spear with tip, no "fork" top like Kenner did. If you cut off that trident from the end of the Kenner staff it is sorta-kinda accurate, though the curved hook they show spearing their shrunken head is in reality just a widely curved metal rod about 3/8"-1/2" dia in 1:1 scale, not a tree branch type thing. I LOVE how Kenner added the mummified hand and made the mummified head shrunken. I actually think replicating the Kenner staff realistically would rock. If I can find a good skeleton hand that I can mummify I may add that eventually just as a Kenner homage.
The back-most skull has grey hair, alien skull has brownish hair. There is also a long brown/black hair pelt almost like a long ponytail that is tied on at the top that hangs down among the skulls. It has the string wrap just like the skull ponytails do (it's the left-most string wrapping visible toward the top of the staff.
The staff itself lower down has fabric (I used thin ribbon) wrapped around it the whole length, and also has the area of wrapped string at the top and also in the area of the staff nearest the skulls.