我们将在STGCC展会首发限量预售DAMTOYS 2016会场限定品第一弹- 黑帮王国系列-番外篇-尼尔(GKS004)
本次由DAMTOYS新加坡代理The Falcon’s Hangar负责销售.
(中国 国庆假期广州CICF动漫展 限量发售)
Wrath is easy to get. Chance is hard to wait for.
尼尔Neil是个英国人在美国的黑帮人眼里是个传奇人物,他是唯一一个能在英国黑帮,日本黑帮和华人黑帮里享受尊敬的白人。尼尔的爷爷是美国早期英国黑帮的头目,尼尔的父亲在50年代便被家族派往中国做生意,幼年的尼尔跟随父亲在广东生活多年,出于对安全考虑尼尔的父亲在当地雇佣了多家武馆师傅做保镖,就是在那时尼尔对神秘的中国武术开始痴迷,并且学习了多家拳术,也在那时他结识了现今美国华人黑帮洪门大佬洪武,并和他结下深厚友谊。 60年代由于中国发生的那场浩劫尼尔又跟随父亲转去日本做生意并生活了几年,在日本尼尔救下了一个被追杀的少年性命,这个少年便是在美国的日本黑帮头目长子小次郎。小次郎的父亲为了感谢尼尔传授给他家族的剑道。
The three leaves tattoo on Neil’s right hand, which symbolize his friendship with Hong Wu and Kojiro
The European dragon and Oriental dragon tattoo on his chest, which means he wanted to be on both the White and the Yellow race.
Side Story:Neil
Wrath is easy to get. Chance is hard to wait for.
Neil is a British guy who earned his fame among American gangsters. He is the only white man respected by either British, Japanese or Chinese gangs. His grandfather was a lieutenant of an early British gang in America. His father was sent to China for family business in the 50s and took young Neil to Guangdong, where Neil spent his childhood. For safety concerns Neil’s father hired many local masters of martial arts as bodyguards. That was when Neil started to fascinate about mysterious Chinese Kong Fu. Not only did he learn several sets of Kong Fu from their family bodyguards, he also made friends with Hong Wu, who has become the boss of Triad nowadays. In the 60s, to avoid the political turmoil, Neil’s father took Neil along with the family business to Japan. During their several years in Japan, Neil saved a teenager who was hunted by rival gang- who turned out to be the oldest son of the boss of a Japanese gang, Kojiro. Showing his gratitude, Kojiro’s father taught Neil their family heirloom – Kenjutsu.
Neil returned to the US in the 80s. He earned his places in the gang through his exceptional Martial Arts and Kenjutsu, and soon was selected to be the successor. However, just when he reached his top, his uncle usurped the power, killing Neil’s grandfather and other veterans. Neil’s father was abducted and went AWOL. Neil had to appeal to his friends- Hong Wu and Kojiro. With the help from both gangs, Neil executed his uncle and became the leader of this generation. To show his appreciation and honor their friendship, Neil had a tattoo on his hand, which was a symbol of three leaves linked together.
Time went into the new millennium. That was when Neil started to fade off from the gang and live in solitude. But he still had his great prestige among Japanese and Chinese gangs, helping them to coordinate. Ogier was sent to be an apprentice of Neil by his gang when his was quite young. But he was not as addicted to Kong Fu and Kenjutsu like the 5 of Diamond was. Ogier was more of a free combat guy. That did not discourage Neil from teaching him and culturing him to be his successor.
One night on the mountain on the wild-west, in a heavily guarded villa, Ogier appeared in a Japanese-style room
“Master, I want revenge.” Ogier kneeled down in front of Neil.
“I have two weapons. You can choose either one.” Neil spread his hand.
Ogier was confused by the two choices before him. One was a Katana, the other one was a big flute.
“Hard to choose? Both kills.” Neil smiled.
Ogier did not hesitate to pick up the Katana. He nodded to his master.
Neil was still smiling. He took the flute and played a little, “you think this can’t kill, don’t you.”
Ogier stared at his master, “This one fits me better.”
Neil pointed the flute at Ogier and said, “If you can cut this flute, then the Katana fits you better.”
The second Ogier had a cold gaze and tried to pull out the Kanata, the end of the flute poked at his joint, made him numb and slow. The next, tassels on the other end whipped on Ogier’s hand, which almost caused him to drop the Katana. Subconsciously, Ogier dodged and tried to pull again. Once again he was poked by the flute. Several acupoints on his arm was punctured by the flute,like a flash light. Ogier’s attempts was dissolved. He never had the chance to pull out the Katana.
“Your wits are hidden, just like this Katana wrapped around by its scabbard.” Neil was still smiling.
Awaken by the master’s tip, Ogier learned something. He stopped trying to pull, but attacked directly with the scabbard. Neil’s flute fought with the scabbard for a few rounds, but it was hard to get close to Ogier’s arm again. Fighting off an attack from the master, Ogier finally pulled out the Katana along its flow. With a clear ringing tone, half a flute fell to the ground.
Neil had the other half flute in his hands, “Do not let vengeance cloud your reasons. You need a chance.”
Ogier retracted the Katana. He stood up and bowed to his master with respects.
“I spent a whole month making this flute. What a waste.” Neil tossed what’s left out. That half of the flute was deeply stung into the wood pillar outside.
DAMTOYS 1/6 Gangsters Kingdom - Side Story - Neil (STCC & CICF Ver.)
DAMTOYS 1/6 黑帮王国 - 番外篇 - 尼尔/Neil 会场限定版
DAMTOYS 1/6 Gangsters Kingdom - Side Story - Neil (STCC & CICF Ver.)
2.Action bady
3.White T-shirt
4.Yellow silk uniforms
5.Black uniforms
6.Black athletic pants
8.The flute
9.Samurai sword
11.White socks
12.Palm x8
我们将在STGCC展会首发限量预售DAMTOYS 2016会场限定品第一弹- 黑帮王国系列-番外篇-尼尔(GKS004)
本次由DAMTOYS新加坡代理The Falcon’s Hangar负责销售.
(中国 国庆假期广州CICF动漫展 限量发售)

Wrath is easy to get. Chance is hard to wait for.
尼尔Neil是个英国人在美国的黑帮人眼里是个传奇人物,他是唯一一个能在英国黑帮,日本黑帮和华人黑帮里享受尊敬的白人。尼尔的爷爷是美国早期英国黑帮的头目,尼尔的父亲在50年代便被家族派往中国做生意,幼年的尼尔跟随父亲在广东生活多年,出于对安全考虑尼尔的父亲在当地雇佣了多家武馆师傅做保镖,就是在那时尼尔对神秘的中国武术开始痴迷,并且学习了多家拳术,也在那时他结识了现今美国华人黑帮洪门大佬洪武,并和他结下深厚友谊。 60年代由于中国发生的那场浩劫尼尔又跟随父亲转去日本做生意并生活了几年,在日本尼尔救下了一个被追杀的少年性命,这个少年便是在美国的日本黑帮头目长子小次郎。小次郎的父亲为了感谢尼尔传授给他家族的剑道。
The three leaves tattoo on Neil’s right hand, which symbolize his friendship with Hong Wu and Kojiro

The European dragon and Oriental dragon tattoo on his chest, which means he wanted to be on both the White and the Yellow race.

Side Story:Neil
Wrath is easy to get. Chance is hard to wait for.
Neil is a British guy who earned his fame among American gangsters. He is the only white man respected by either British, Japanese or Chinese gangs. His grandfather was a lieutenant of an early British gang in America. His father was sent to China for family business in the 50s and took young Neil to Guangdong, where Neil spent his childhood. For safety concerns Neil’s father hired many local masters of martial arts as bodyguards. That was when Neil started to fascinate about mysterious Chinese Kong Fu. Not only did he learn several sets of Kong Fu from their family bodyguards, he also made friends with Hong Wu, who has become the boss of Triad nowadays. In the 60s, to avoid the political turmoil, Neil’s father took Neil along with the family business to Japan. During their several years in Japan, Neil saved a teenager who was hunted by rival gang- who turned out to be the oldest son of the boss of a Japanese gang, Kojiro. Showing his gratitude, Kojiro’s father taught Neil their family heirloom – Kenjutsu.
Neil returned to the US in the 80s. He earned his places in the gang through his exceptional Martial Arts and Kenjutsu, and soon was selected to be the successor. However, just when he reached his top, his uncle usurped the power, killing Neil’s grandfather and other veterans. Neil’s father was abducted and went AWOL. Neil had to appeal to his friends- Hong Wu and Kojiro. With the help from both gangs, Neil executed his uncle and became the leader of this generation. To show his appreciation and honor their friendship, Neil had a tattoo on his hand, which was a symbol of three leaves linked together.
Time went into the new millennium. That was when Neil started to fade off from the gang and live in solitude. But he still had his great prestige among Japanese and Chinese gangs, helping them to coordinate. Ogier was sent to be an apprentice of Neil by his gang when his was quite young. But he was not as addicted to Kong Fu and Kenjutsu like the 5 of Diamond was. Ogier was more of a free combat guy. That did not discourage Neil from teaching him and culturing him to be his successor.
One night on the mountain on the wild-west, in a heavily guarded villa, Ogier appeared in a Japanese-style room
“Master, I want revenge.” Ogier kneeled down in front of Neil.
“I have two weapons. You can choose either one.” Neil spread his hand.
Ogier was confused by the two choices before him. One was a Katana, the other one was a big flute.
“Hard to choose? Both kills.” Neil smiled.
Ogier did not hesitate to pick up the Katana. He nodded to his master.
Neil was still smiling. He took the flute and played a little, “you think this can’t kill, don’t you.”
Ogier stared at his master, “This one fits me better.”
Neil pointed the flute at Ogier and said, “If you can cut this flute, then the Katana fits you better.”
The second Ogier had a cold gaze and tried to pull out the Kanata, the end of the flute poked at his joint, made him numb and slow. The next, tassels on the other end whipped on Ogier’s hand, which almost caused him to drop the Katana. Subconsciously, Ogier dodged and tried to pull again. Once again he was poked by the flute. Several acupoints on his arm was punctured by the flute,like a flash light. Ogier’s attempts was dissolved. He never had the chance to pull out the Katana.
“Your wits are hidden, just like this Katana wrapped around by its scabbard.” Neil was still smiling.
Awaken by the master’s tip, Ogier learned something. He stopped trying to pull, but attacked directly with the scabbard. Neil’s flute fought with the scabbard for a few rounds, but it was hard to get close to Ogier’s arm again. Fighting off an attack from the master, Ogier finally pulled out the Katana along its flow. With a clear ringing tone, half a flute fell to the ground.
Neil had the other half flute in his hands, “Do not let vengeance cloud your reasons. You need a chance.”
Ogier retracted the Katana. He stood up and bowed to his master with respects.
“I spent a whole month making this flute. What a waste.” Neil tossed what’s left out. That half of the flute was deeply stung into the wood pillar outside.
DAMTOYS 1/6 Gangsters Kingdom - Side Story - Neil (STCC & CICF Ver.)
DAMTOYS 1/6 黑帮王国 - 番外篇 - 尼尔/Neil 会场限定版
DAMTOYS 1/6 Gangsters Kingdom - Side Story - Neil (STCC & CICF Ver.)
2.Action bady
3.White T-shirt
4.Yellow silk uniforms
5.Black uniforms
6.Black athletic pants
8.The flute
9.Samurai sword
11.White socks
12.Palm x8