DAMTOYS military figures, what are they like? Quality?

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Jul 10, 2022
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Wanted some opinions on Damtoys figures, particularly their 'modern military' figures. I exclusively collect WWII figures, so far. However, I like the modern military figures and was looking at a few Damtoys figures and thinking of buying one or two.
They look like they're top tier quality wise, them and DID Corp seem to be the best in the military figures market!!

What's the general quality like?
Are the guns sturdy and strong plastic?
What are the bodies like?
There's so many tiny parts and pieces, is there anything that's quite fragile and easily breakable or to look out for?
I don't know anything about gear and equipment of modern military so I wouldnt know what goes where!!.
The sheer amount of equipment and gear you get with a Damtoys figure seems overwhelming! Are they easy enough to assemble!? Im assuming you don't get instructions as to what goes where in the box. Or fo you just copy from prototype photos as to how to assemble!! Thoughts and photos of your damtoys figures welcome. Thanks!
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DAMtoys is the leader in Modern Military though Easy and Simple have almost caught up to them in quality, both are great but DAM edges them out in the body/headsculpt department. DAM is overall the best and has a more natural and realistic look when finished and put together. They like to do more Russian operators nowadays so E&S is my go-to because I mainly collect American figures. Their weapons are 50/50 for me, I've broken a few mostly the ones that have a folding stock. Radios/Coms headset and helmet is the most delicate part of these figures. I always take the heads off and fit the headset and helmet on together and onto the head with A LOT of patience before placing them back on the body.

Putting these together can be hard at first and intimidating with all the parts but once you start putting them together you realize it's really not that much, just make sure you have a good set of tweezers as they use the real-life molle system. When building them up just copy the promotional pictures in reference to where to put what but you don't have to always copy them exactly and you can change stuff around.

These are the most rewarding figures to finish and put on a shelf have fun with it and post which one you get!
Thanks Chambea, I'll be sure to post whatever I eventually buy tho most the figures I fancy are out a while or a few years and prices are quite varied to extremely expensive I'm assuming due because they're rare/sold out/hard to find now.
I'm only interested in US figures really so I'll check Easy and Simple out aswell. Thanks
When I was collecting and selling them as a retailer my favorite brand for military figures was Soldier Story then DAMtoys. I like the gear and weapons from Soldier Story and the headsculpts from Damtoys. When I left damtoys was starting to expand into other things and was definitely getting awhole lot better. Would not be surprised if they completely surpassed SS now. Like Lokki said, SS has been rather quiet lately.
Yup DAM is pretty high quality these days and arguably the best at this point in modern military to echo what's already been said.

Easy & Simple have some nice pieces though I absolutely do not like their base bodies, at least the ones I've held. Very floppy and feel like very soft plastic/rubber feeling. Their weapons and such seem to hold up well though.
Wanted some opinions on Damtoys figures, particularly their 'modern military' figures. I exclusively collect WWII figures, so far. However, I like the modern military figures and was looking at a few Damtoys figures and thinking of buying one or two.
They look like they're top tier quality wise, them and DID Corp seem to be the best in the military figures market!!

What's the general quality like?
Are the guns sturdy and strong plastic?
What are the bodies like?
There's so many tiny parts and pieces, is there anything that's quite fragile and easily breakable or to look out for?
I don't know anything about gear and equipment of modern military so I wouldnt know what goes where!!.
The sheer amount of equipment and gear you get with a Damtoys figure seems overwhelming! Are they easy enough to assemble!? Im assuming you don't get instructions as to what goes where in the box. Or fo you just copy from prototype photos as to how to assemble!! Thoughts and photos of your damtoys figures welcome. Thanks!
I own their Leon, and he's a cop. As far as the weapons go, kinda flimsy not hot toys quality, but not bootleg quality. Clothing and webgear quality is top tier, but you might have to DIY some of the velcro things if they didn't fix the rubber belts from when Leon came out.

The bodies are great, most everything else they do isn't really fragile.

Sometimes they have instructions if it's complicated but assembling them takes like an hour.
If you haven't worked on a DAM toys figure before, be prepared, they require a great deal of patience.

I am working on my second DAM toys figure. The first one I did was the Spetznatz Alpha gunner. Being my first one, assembly took 2-3 hours total. The second one I am now doing is 78091 Operation Enduring Freedom 1/6 DELTA FORCE 1st SFOD-D and I am thinking it might be my last DAM toys figure I work on and I am saying that with having 2 more figures in boxes still and one on pre-order.

The quality is ok, overall a little bit of a step up from a similar Easy and Simple figure I have. The weapons as noted above are more than a little flimsy in some cases. I've had to use glue on some of them to keep them from falling apart. Clothing, packs, webbing, are all fine. Other items like comms equipment are fragile and require glue or other mods to stay together. See video in link above where the guy uses copper wire to keep the headset on. The boots this current guy has are quite delicate and the eyelets on one popped off while I was tying the laces, I glued them back on but the rivets that held them in place are gone. I'll probably order a spare pair of boots just to have on hand as well as a spare of the comms headset and rifle, they are that flimsy.

Honestly, at the price point these come in at I am not sure they are really worth considering how delicate some parts are.

At around the four minute mark in the video below you can see the guy using copper wire to hold the headset on. Not a bad idea and I have some on order to use on mine, but thats going into a level of detail Im not sure I am thrilled about having to do.

As far as Easy and Simple goes, I'll never get another one from that company. Lots of detail and figures look great but everything is flimsy, from the weapons to much of the other gear. Between the two DAM is the way to go.

ETA: I just compared more closely the 78091 figure I have to the 78902 alpha gunner I have which is an older figure. there is definitely a decline in quality IMO. Weapons on 78091 are far more flimsy, and most annoying of all is that 78091 has hands that are not " molded " and come with gloves you have to put on them which is a huge pain. Since the hands have movable fingers and are not molded, I guess you can in theory position them however you want but the doesn't work out especially with the gloves on. End result is that the weapons are not held in the figures hands as securely. For the price I'd expect more. 78091 will definitely be my last DAM toys figure going forward.
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I own their Leon, and he's a cop. As far as the weapons go, kinda flimsy not hot toys quality, but not bootleg quality. Clothing and webgear quality is top tier, but you might have to DIY some of the velcro things if they didn't fix the rubber belts from when Leon came out.

The bodies are great, most everything else they do isn't really fragile.

Sometimes they have instructions if it's complicated but assembling them takes like an hour.
Hey Faker, yeah I know the Leon figure from Resident Evil 2. One of my fave games as a kid. I considered getting that one.

Yeah I ended up buying one of their newest figures and I was happy with it for about a week or two. Then decided I didn't want it, so trying to sell it on. I didn't like the body at all it feels a bit cheap and flimsy and with all the gear and clothing and stuff quite limited to movement.
Also, everything is SUPER FRAGILE. You can't really play with them or pose them much, you touch off something and a cable or an attachment falls off or a piece becomes loose. Everything falls off.
The gun was a big disappointment for me also, as should have been one of the main attractions. All attachments were loose and wouldn't stay on kept falling off. The plastic of the guns felt hollow and quite cheap plastic to be honest. I'm used to real metal and wood and solid sturdy plastic weapons so I'm kinda spoilt

They're the kind of figure you put together and put into a glass cabinet and leave and dont touch I think. Personally I wouldn't buy anymore of them as modern military are so different to the WW2 figures as regards equipment movement/placement and the ability to actually stay where its supposed to be even when playing and moving the figure. They are a great figure for display and leave in a glass cabinet but price point of them is crazy also. Very expensive.
Hey Faker, yeah I know the Leon figure from Resident Evil 2. One of my fave games as a kid. I considered getting that one.

Yeah I ended up buying one of their newest figures and I was happy with it for about a week or two. Then decided I didn't want it, so trying to sell it on. I didn't like the body at all it feels a bit cheap and flimsy and with all the gear and clothing and stuff quite limited to movement.
Also, everything is SUPER FRAGILE. You can't really play with them or pose them much, you touch off something and a cable or an attachment falls off or a piece becomes loose. Everything falls off.
The gun was a big disappointment for me also, as should have been one of the main attractions. All attachments were loose and wouldn't stay on kept falling off. The plastic of the guns felt hollow and quite cheap plastic to be honest. I'm used to real metal and wood and solid sturdy plastic weapons so I'm kinda spoilt

They're the kind of figure you put together and put into a glass cabinet and leave and dont touch I think. Personally I wouldn't buy anymore of them as modern military are so different to the WW2 figures as regards equipment movement/placement and the ability to actually stay where its supposed to be even when playing and moving the figure. They are a great figure for display and leave in a glass cabinet but price point of them is crazy also. Very expensive.
Was it one of the older figures? Leon didn't feel like that at all. Their Hunk felt only kinda like that in that when you posed him his belts liked to pop open on his thigh holster, but that's about it. Maybe they put in extra work for their RE figures?

The Shotgun felt pretty flimsy to me, but the Deagle expansion didn't.
Was it one of the older figures? Leon didn't feel like that at all. Their Hunk felt only kinda like that in that when you posed him his belts liked to pop open on his thigh holster, but that's about it. Maybe they put in extra work for their RE figures?

The Shotgun felt pretty flimsy to me, but the Deagle expansion didn't.
It was this guy.
I’ve got a bunch and when I need to part ways for whatever reason, DAM Toys figures are among the hardest to part with because of the quality and detail. It doesn’t happen often.
I’ve got a bunch and when I need to part ways for whatever reason, DAM Toys figures are among the hardest to part with because of the quality and detail. It doesn’t happen often.
Have you bought a recent release ? As I mentioned in a few posts up, I put one together a year ago and it was challenging/time consuming but I had no complaints about the quality.

I just finished a newer release today and I literally just need to breath on it and stuff is falling off.

The rifle on this one is complete garbage and feels much more cheaply made than the one I got a year ago. The forward handgrip, sights, IR illuminator, etc..all fall off very easily and I am probably going to have to glue them in place. The weapon on the figure I got a year ago ? it feels much more solid and all the weapon accessories feel solid when on the weapon.

I'm about to start another one, and this one is an older release as well so I'll report back on my thoughts as to that one compared to this newer one.

Honestly, the quality of the DiD figures I have is far superior to the DAM toys figure I just completed.