Daredevil Born Again (Disney+) - March 4, 2025

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I think it’s good they don’t. They should try and chill and release what sells. They been pumping out anything and everything Disney and marvel they need to take a step back a bit. Captain marvel doesn’t sell huge figures and secret invasion doesn’t sell. Unless you are a diehard marvel fan or completionist you won’t care about those .
Part of me thinks it's possible. But they haven't done anything for Loki, Secret Invasion, Captain Marvel 2 or Aquaman 2 so I doubt it.
They did announce more Loki was on the way, likely his final look in the series but Loki has had a proven track record for them. Daredevil has seemingly done well for them too so a new red suit seems likely. It would be nice if they did a Kingpin to go with him even though the SooSoo figures are fantastic.
I would kill for a new red suit Daredevil. They could make him and Kingpin from Echo and I'd be happy.

Kingpin has the classic white suit on in the show.
Looks like they made some if not most of the Netflix series canon. They were referencing flashbacks from the Netflix Daredevil series in the Echo trailer. This may turn out good.
Did Andor have much fanfare either before it actually aired? If I remember right, a lot of people didn't care much for it at the start either due to the past Star Wars series blunders.
A Celebration panel, trailers etc.

It started off with solid reviews, and only got stronger week by week.

Echo is dropping all at once, essentially dumped out. I've a feeling it'll surprise people.
But I guess were not originally. Marvel better be dumping everything they did before, even if they think it works, cos otherwise it's just gonna be another show that has been obviously meddled with. It's mindblowing that they were almost gonna totally **** it up, it sounds like. Like how does that even begin to happen, when the property is so beloved (even if niche), and is supposedly Kevin Feige's favourite, when it can and should be the core of the ground-level supe shows, and when they need a hit and some goodwill so desperately. When the show has already been done right before. God, if you hire people who anyone and everyone on the internet GROAN at when they hear about it, or can look at their IMDB and go 'oh no'....why can't Feige? Like what do they think will ******* happen? lol. What is the impetus for these moronic choices?

Where the hell is Steven S Deknight or Drew Goddard et al? Who all worked on Buffy and/or Angel back in the day I believe; pretty much anyone from either of those shows would do this well.

I digress. So now it's this Dario guy who doesn't inspire super-confidence, plus Benson and Moorehead. They're good visually and I've loved some of their films ever since Resolution... although I do feel like their movies have been diminishing returns and they didn't save Loki (imo) and I'm a bit worried about their attitude of not worrying too much about plot cos it's all about the tone, man, and the metaphors and character and all that stuff that lazy writers trot out when they don't wanna bother sweating the plot machinations. Daredevil versus Kingpin needs some good plot mechanics or it'll be stupid and unbelievable. And just please, please, if it's going to be many episodes, you need B plots. C plots even. Other characters need to have their own scenes and stories and arcs. It can't just be like an 18 hour movie following nobody but Matt the whole time. I wonder if they know that. Jesus ******* christ I learnt about how tv shows can tell multiple little arcs in an episode and have them thematically dovetail and then pay off at the end by watching Party Of Five in 1994 when I was fourteen. Any one of us could probly plot it out pretty well so could they just not cherry pick from the small pool of people in the whole world who obviously can't? thanks

sorry, I'm in a mood; I think I'd be saying this even if I was at a Wendy's rn lol.
This is gonna be a mess.. :slap

Sorry to the Netflix DD fans, but they needed to just leave that **** be and start over. New castings for everyone and start fresh to add these characters into the MCU. These stories won't mesh together, nor will even the tone of the characters. These companies have no creativity. They fear doing anything new and taking chances. They give in to fans at the wrong times. They don't care about ruining characters by gender & race swapping or changing power bases to the point where they are the character in name only, yet they are also too scarred to bring in fresh blood and start over. What a joke.

The MCU is such a mess after Endgame. There's no coherency anymore. Time travel was bad, but the Multiverse is even worse for how to ruin a universe. DC learned this the hard way in the 80's and completely revamped their comics (Crisis series), yet both companies are doing it all over again, but in a new medium.

The new DCU is gonna be a mess with Gunn keeping his projects and fav's involved, and so too now is the MCU. So many "fans" will be utterly confused. These companies can't even learn from each other's mistakes, yet alone learn when to listen to the fans and when not too....

SO glad I'm checked out of all this mess. For those excited, enjoy this continuing cluster F.. :duff
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Well I'm happy to see it. Loved their characters and it just would have been too weird and distracting not having them in a Charlie Cox Daredevil series. Plus it's a clear sign that this will be closer to the spirit of the Netflix series than some reboot/remake/multiverse thing.
Well guess it's time to give the series a rewatch now. It's been so long I don't remember all the plot details or how things were left with these other characters that are suddenly returning.
Charlie on set today!