I am accepting the fact that DD is no longer just on Netflix away from the MCU.
Like it or not but in a world where superheroes fly and shoot lasers and webs they will be forced to add a thin layer of comic book superhero cgi polish ontop of the street level grit when DD is jumping from rooftop to rooftop or using his cable sticks or fighting another super powered character, and i’m ok with that as long as it’s done properly.
No matter how much Marvel says it’s the same as Netflix it’s not, they absolutely had to add a new layer of cgi to match the greater MCU action aesthetics, I mean c’mon Fantastic 4 and Galactus are now in his world.
No matter how much fans kick and scream that it has to be 100% like Netflix, it simply is not.
Welcome to the MsheU DD lol