I watched Born Again, and I have some thoughts.
A good start. I like where everyone has been positioned, so far. I know we'll be seeing Punisher soon, and that makes me happy. The fight with Bullseye was fantastic, suitably brutal. And his characterization is perfect.
I hope we see Daredevil in the suit again, soon. The law stuff is cool, but I'd like some superheroing in the superhero show.
I'm annoyed that they fridged Foggy. Yes, it's better for optics (See what I did there) that it was Foggy and not Karen's death that kicked off the Botn Again story, but I feel like it didn't matter since they booted Karen across the country anyway. Praying they reincorporate her into the story, especially with Punisher coming back.
So far so good. I'm cautiously optimistic. This would be a good vehicle for other street level heroes to come in and out, like Night Thrasher maybe. Hoping we'll see more of that.