Say goodbye to Luke Cage now cancelled.
Finished E6 and I'm absolutely loving what I've seen so far.
Disney streaming is a year away this was all inevitable.
Disney and Netflix partnership made sense and was mutually beneficial to both but Disney is now coming after that Netflix subscription model.
Saw rumors today on Bleeding Cool (so take with a grain of salt) that the behind the scenes buzz at NYCC form show runners of other shows was that actors from the Netflix series were networking looking for roles as they knew nothing beyond Jessica Jones season 3 and Punisher season 2 was coming from Netflix/Marvel and that Disney is looking to pull back the more adult Marvel content shows Netflix has to put not on the Disney streaming service, but on Hulu as they will have 60% stake in Hulu once the Fox acquisition is finalized. Disney is planning on putting all their "R" rated movie content on Hulu not the new Disney streaming and the belief is the more graphic Marvel shows will be earmarked there too. Again its rumors and on Bleeding Cool, so it's all just hearsay andclicknbait most likely, but Bleeding Cool hits on things more often than one might expect for a rumor mongering site.
That makes perfect sense. The Fox film library has little value to Disney's demo, so Hulu would be a better drop point. That also ties into the speculation Comcast wants to buy the Fox titles that fits Universal Studios branding - Pota, Aliens, Predator etc...
so if Universal buys Warner's 10%, it would be a 60/40 split. Antitrust is going to force Disney to sell its majority stake in Hulu once Disney stream hits big. So it goes 75/25 Universal. Disney would then ofload its R titles in the deal and get a huge buyout or else the Hulu library would implode.
This would also swap the remaining Marvel rights at Uni - Hulk and Namor - back to Marvel.
The best season of all the Marvel Netflix shows. Incredible season.
Could Disney even bring over the current shows? I wonder what they legally could do. I would assume rights are up and they can do whatever.