DarkArtist's new HOME!

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Awesome man!!!

Looks like a great place, now... the big question? Are one of those bedrooms gonna be a studio for your work.
Very nice man, very nice! Now you can have a whole super nice room just for the collection. Man I can't wait to see that. Lucky man, lucky! Well, move in all the stuff soon so that we can see it finished!!
Too cool man, congrats!

:fireworks :fireworks :fireworks

Even better that you are likely going to be able to negotiate around plunking down a huge pile for a down - and eventually reaping the tax benefits.
Congratulations Josh, thats a beautiful place you have there. Good luck and God bless you guys. May it bring you lots of happy times.
Congrats dude. I know what an exciting time it must be for you. All you need is a nice little swimming pool in that back yard and you can host the next party :D
congrats man!!! i just got a house recently and it just feels good to have all the extra space. you're gonna love it. plus it looks like a nice area.
Some of those photos make it look like I could just walk onto the top of the house.
Thanks a lot guys, it was very awesome of her uncle to hook us up like that. We still have to find appliances to fill the thing, as well as ceiling fans and window treatments. And I DO get a room all to myself for my collection and such, will be getting that set up ASAP. Overall, I'm just happy to finally be out of apartments and into a place of our own. :rock

The house is all alone in the middle of a nowhere, just blocks of empty squares where homes should be. No neighbors for about a half a mile and tons of great running lanes for my work out sessions. Now just to find out what internet options I have out there. :google

And Hell yeah, next East Coast Freaks party... my place. :chew

Should have some more pics once I get the rooms set up.




And check out this freakin Wasp nest!!

Just poke that wasp nest with a stick. They won't mind. :monkey3


Oh I got those bastards as soon as I got done taking pics. I soaked them with wasp killer and RAN!! :lol

They died pretty quickly, but now I have to try and break that nest up. It's in the perfect spot, right in the middle of three lightbulbs... too big to fall out. :monkey4
Nice place Josh. Congrats :rock Not sure I could deal with a ranch but isn't that how most of the homes are in FL? Need to have my dual level house. :lol
Congrats Josh, looks like a great place and I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun making it YOUR house.
Congrats Josh, looks like a great place and I'm sure you'll have a lot of fun making it YOUR house.

Yeah, I can't wait. Too bad the wife nixed my uber cool idea of flaming skulls on pikes, lining the driveway. :monkey2

But at least I get a collection room all my own. And we also have a ledge in our living room that is PERFECT for PF display. :rock

And Memnoch, yeah... only thing I don't like about FL homes.. No basement, mostly flat, usually no upstairs. Kinda why I want to move up North sometime, no sooner than 2013... after school and once we have our first kid. But I am looking specifically at Mass, Penn and surrounding area. :duff
yeah a basement really adds a lot of space even if it is just for storage. a friend of mine built a house with no basement. i have no idea what he was thinking but thats the way he wants it. but you got that cool wasp nest though. that is pretty sweet.:lol
Josh, you'd really leave warm winters for cold ones? If you're looking at PA I would suggest areas around Philly as they are the nicest and have some of the best schools.
Oh Hell yeah, I LOVE the cold. My wife hates it, but I love to watch her squirm... so it's a win win. :D

I'll keep that in mind, thanks for the tip. And at least I will be closer to a lot of my friends. 90% of all my friends, be they from here or the Military, are all North or West. Les is the closest buddy I have and I can only swing by his way once or twice a year.