Premium Format Darth Malgus

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cool thing CBG ! We share the same joy tonight ! ;)

:panic: 71 just arrived!!!!! Yes this is exciting! The shock factor was there with shaak and magus is the same! I took a quick peek at him before leaving for work. Wow!!!? This guy is nice pf size, he's well detailed, his cloak is so easy and different to put on, The cloak you can do so many different set up options depending on what you prefer, his saber is so bright, love the extra lights on his body, and his ex head and reg head is so awesome! This one is a sure winner! Btw SS QC really has picked up! He came in great undamaged condition! He was packed well but the good thing was he didnt have many fragile parts. So i had good hopes of him coming ok. So glad the paint was done good, no scrapes like ivy, and no cracks that I can see. Thanks ss for the improved qc! :clap for anyone who did not see this yet. You will be blown away by it. I will have him next to chicken leg maul! That bright red saber complements the sith so freaking well! Malgus looks like a very dark and deadly sith! Perfect just the way I want him. This is now a personal grail along with shaak! Wow SS is nailing these right on! Now let's get a Shan for the Jedi!
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I assume the lighting is the same as they used for Shaak Ti? What was the first figure they used the new lighting with? Was it Shaak Ti, or earlier?
Congrats !!! sounds great and makes the last couple hours even longer...

Congrats, CBG! :duff :hi5:

Breathe CBG. Breathe. :lol

Good to see you are so happy with Malgus. Congrats.

Thanks all! I can't wait to get home to check him out again! I will have him display in front of everyone for now! These EU characters are so cool! I hope Disney does something with these in the future. We can never rule anything out for sure. Wouldnt mind seeing malgus wife being made either :wink1:
I really don't mind all that much how long it takes, just that they take care of the issues. SSC CS has always come through for me one way or another.
Just got mine and love it! It's also my lowest number yet, 121, for any PF. The lights are the best and really show that when compared to my Talon, Luke, and Maul PF's.

However, I can't figure out how to put the cape on and am starting to feel like an idiot. Any pointers? Thanks!
nope.. all the excitement got bumped by broken leg... gosh how I hate when something like this happens..

I hope they get me replacement fast.. not wanna loose anything on the exclusive

I think there's something going on with their packaging. You're the third or fourth member here with a busted statue. Sorry to hear myc. :(
is it just me or is the cape not really attachable WITH the shoulder pads. Explain like I'm 5, please. The magnets in the cape fit great into the grooves for the magnets. The magnets in the shoulder pads fit great in the grooves. But you cannot fit BOTH in at the same time. So do you just trap the edge of the cape under the lip of the shoulder pad??