Freaked Out
My Waitlist converted on the exclusive.
Just watched the Live feed with Sam Witwer and this piece looks so good.
10% off and free shipping got me to bite on pre-ordering the Reg version. I'd never use the BD Saber anyway.
how do you get the 10% off?
Congrats. I really wish they let us use that trick once/year. It would help with some of their languishing inventory.
I doubt it. I have owned 7 Premium Formats with lightsabers that lite up not one of them had blades that came out.
I doubt it. I have owned 7 Premium Formats with lightsabers that lite up not one of them had blades that came out.
They're closing lots of wait lists faster now.
It is a smart ploy. Makes more people order regs and less cancel their EXs when they think it is a "real" sellout.
Any of you fellows who paid Cyberman for a bust before me get any sort of update? I want to see some hot maul bust action to kill time while we wait for this PF.
But have they ever closed a wait list, labeled it as "Sold Out" and THEN reopened it?