Darthstitch Collection pics..update on last page

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Great Score on Raven. Congratz

Raven is a magnificent character and this statue is superb.
Love pictures.

That is a great looking statue!

another great piece.

Congrats my friend. Mine is on the way. Hopefully comes in by next week.

Vachement sympa cette Raven! J'aime bien la position des mains et le flow de la cape.

Score on Raven and Great Pic's as always my Friend

Nice new lady!!
I like visiting here :)

Thank you guys for all your comments that warm the heart, it is true that this statue is superb, the rendering is good, but the paint job is perfectible

No clue who that is, but she looks cool. Great shots as always, Stitch.

Many thanks my friend :hi5:

She's Raven of DC :

Nice. :google

So, you like your statues then? ;)

Many thanks Darthgothikus, Let's say I have always collected, just started with the plastic ship models, then the figures, leading to the statues, it is not truly possible that I love the statues, but the moments which remind me ... a scene from a movie, the passage of a comic book, and view it in 3D is nice ...

Very nice pics my friend.

Raven looks great. Sadly the AH line had to end for this line. Congrats DS.

Great looking statue and fantastic pics, Darth. :clap

Great pics DS!! :clap

Many thanks my friends :hi5::hi5: