Darthstitch Collection pics..update on last page

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Re: Darthstitch Collection pics..

Who makes the Tony Stark portrait Iron Man on the right hand side?
Really like your Iron Man set up, its easy to go over the top with Iron Man stuff and lose the impact of individual pieces.
Re: Darthstitch Collection pics..

This picture :rock big time

Many thanks Chris ;)

Very cool collection and awesome display! :rock

Many thanks Fuzzylojiks ;)

great ironman combination..

It's cool Louis ;)

Who makes the Tony Stark portrait Iron Man on the right hand side?
Really like your Iron Man set up, its easy to go over the top with Iron Man stuff and lose the impact of individual pieces.

Many thanks Bubbles, PM for the Iron Man ;)

Amazing display of Ironman Darth ; super BOMB !!!!!!!!!!!!!

Greatthanks Fantasymaker ;)

Behold IronMan, Great Pic Darth and Theme

Many thanks Colossus ;)
Re: Darthstitch Collection pics..

Can i ask what the big black wooden cabinet is next to your detolfs? the one with Lilo at the bottom?
Re: Darthstitch Collection pics..


This set up works very well with your variety of statues. Great display Darthstitch :clap:clap:clap:bow