Super Freak
None... It's hilarious/sad when you're trying to explain characters and their back stories to your friends who know nothing about comic books. They literally look at you like you're speaking another languagehaha.
Recent conversation has revealed that some of our friends have no clue who Poison Ivy, Wolverine, and Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are... Usually we just gasp and go shame on you! we can't be friends anymore! xD
Explaining ANY characters backstory to a non reader in the modern age of comic reboots is like trying to Explain Einstein Physics to CHIMPS. It just HURTS.
I tried to explain the Crisis, Zero Hour, Infinite Crisis, Blackest Night, Flashpoint, and the New 52 to an enthusiastic group of comic loving students this year, and HONESTLY I thought their heads were going to explode.