Super Freak
Is statuedude for real dude?
He thought these were individually carved from stone
He thought these were individually carved from stone
How much taller is superman next to the batman PF with the short ear HS?
I think I might be in trouble, bought 2 bestas with 3 glass doors for each so each PF had there own door, but batman fits perfectly, if supes is taller I'm going to have to adjust the shelves lower below the glass door line and it looks crappy through the glass with the shelves adjusted lower
agreed...that would be very undudeDo not call statue dude a sock puppet sir.
There is NOTHING wrong with this Supes statue in its look. Have you seen the crap statues that are out there? Seriously...? Batman deserved a critical eye. He looked good, but they could've done better. Supes, so far, is stunning. Nothing wrong with that base. It's the comic version after all.
And all I hear is "blah, blah blah"... now back to the amazingness that is this PF.
YEAH! Only MM is allowed to criticise
Grats Jedi!
Really? I've watched you b***h on here more than anyone then you have the nerve to jump on someone who expresses their opinion
So wait, let me get this straight, you don't like it when people complain on the boards???
You rite Spidey... The base seem too plain if compared with Batman or WW...
Yep... if you are looking to do a Trinity display his base is just going to look out of place.
Yep... if you are looking to do a Trinity display his base is just going to look out of place.
Great shots... I think the eye noodle is a must, without it the exc looks a bit off