OMG are you ****ING KIDDING ME... A
FULL YEAR of you *****ING and MOANING about wishing that SSC had just given you red eyes, and going on and on and on and on, and fighting with me for like 30 pages of post when I said it would look fine, and when SSC gives you EXACTLY what you were asking for what do you do? "Actually I like the flame effects".... and you have the NERVE to say "FU SPIDEY"....OMG I am LAUGHING SO HARD at you right now!!!
You need to change your Sig for like a MONTH to "SPIDEY WAS RIGHT!!!"... Three out of Three times that I have told you to calm the heck down about an "issue" you have ALWAYS agreed with me in the end. We don't agree about Old Man Castle but that is just a preference thing. This is about you blowing **** out of proportion and me being RIGHT in the end EVERY SINGLE TIME. So if you are a REAL man,
and after that low blow you took, you are going to change your Sig NOW!!! Failure to do so means that you are incredibly small in the ....... character region...

... LOL.
I know RIGHT... Like 30 pages ATLEAST of him moaning and complaining and saying the EX head would NEVER see the light of day, and POOF there he is in all of his glory sitting on the shelf with the EX CLEARLY on display on DAY 1 no less....