Thanks guys, Bats is damn amazing even after the months that have passed. What a PF!
Finally got around to opening up my Superman. Best PF ever. One of the best statues ever produced. A real prize in my collection. Love it.
I am really enjoying the praise this piece is getting. It's nice when everyone wins![]()
Yeah Jaws the clothing colour and THAT Reg head sculpt are just spot on. Even the Mrs mentioned the sculpt she couldn't believe the detail. Hats off to the painters aswell because they brought it to life.
Yeah Jaws the clothing colour and THAT Reg head sculpt are just spot on. Even the Mrs mentioned the sculpt she couldn't believe the detail. Hats off to the painters aswell because they brought it to life.
Man you guys that already got this are really annoyed by the people who haven't! Must be 10 straight pages of complaining about complaining.
Speaking of which, still doesn't seem like that many folks have received it yet. Would have thought we would have had alot more pictures/posts by now. Now we are already recycling the bunny.
I really can't find one thing wrong with this. Looks excellently tailored and painted. Every shot he looks great, flash, bad lighting, you name it, no one has been able to make it look bad.
Yeah... Basically the Perfect statue. I think I am most impressed with the consistancy we have have seen. All the paint apps look great.
I have no complaints at all. Probably should get some pics up. I went with the regular portrait, just love the eyes and spaghetti eyes for the EX head.
Showed my wife the foto of reg head and exc. Ask her, which you think look better? Her reply, both ugly. No more asking her opinion from now on![]()
That is wifespeak for "I don't want you to buy it".