Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!
So I did some research...and by research I mean, Wikipedia. Anyway, Grayson was 10 years old when his parents were killed and Bruce adopted him. Not long after his parents death, Bruce began to train him and later on he allows him to become his partner, Robin. This is the key part,
" Robin apparently worked with Batman consistently well into his college years. Thereafter, he became Batman's semi-regular partner continuing to work with Batman on a limited basis but, also dividing his time between crime fighting and college."
"9 years after his parents death, Tony Zucco resurfaced in Gotham City, putting Robin to the test. Batman forbade Robin from going after him." At this point he is 19 years of age.
So what all that means is, Grayson was still a young kid when he became Robin. They don't give his age, but the fact the "he worked consistently well into his college years" means he was a kid initially, maybe 14 years old...maybe less, when he became Robin? Depending on how long it took for Bruce to train him, since his training began at age 10. So lets say, 4 years of training, which makes him 14 when he becomes Robin.
It's possible that this figure is based on the early Robin, not the part time Robin at age 19. By the time he becomes Nightwing, he had graduated, which means he's at least 22...maybe more, if he was a part time student. So Nightwing should be taller at age 22 than an early Robin at age 14, and maybe a bit taller than age 19 Robin. Either way, Nightwing is a lot shorter than Batman for some reason.