Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!
Full sets. No question.
Full sets. No question.
I like that they are showing that version... Lets me know they plan on doing figures based on both styles.
I have no doubt these will be a monstrous hit and we will see the original style Batman fairly soon after.
They need to make a nice Mask of The Phantasm set with The Phantasm, Bloody Batman, and Joker with his jet pack (and missing teeth).Honestly, though, I just hope we see a Blu-Ray release, at some point. All of this merchandise is brilliant, but it makes me hungry for just a little bit more. With that in mind, I promised myself I was out of 6" figures, but my mind is saying "yeah, **** that" right about now.
AND this by far was the WORSTWhat were they thinking?
Looks great. I like Batman's redesign but preferred the look of everyone else from the original BTAS.