So now that we're going to have Single card BTAS Harley, Mad Love pack Harley, Single card TNBA Harley, which do you guys think would be most likely to be in the 5 pack? The original shiny Harleys from the First Mad Love pack pic? Something new? Repeat of the TNBA single?
I have to say, I think the Bullock, Talia, Wesker and TNBA Joker is the best looking wave I've seen yet. They all look amazing. I don't have a single gripe about any of them except maybe Talia's outfit color. Talia is probably the best looking female design thus far.
Looks like they gave Bullock a knee swivel instead of a hinge, which I think works well for him. Hopefully they package him better than Scarecrow so his hat doesn't get ****ed up. He definitely needs a donut and a coffee for accessories lol. I just hope they don't end up doing a special Bullock Gordan 2 pack with the Bat Signal after the single releases.
I'm also curious how The Ventriloquist is going to hold Scarface. I assume he'll fit like a hand? But that seems like the arm joint would get loose and start to fall eventually.
Another cool accessory pack/ deluxe whatever would include one of Bruce's chairs for old man Bruce to sit in.
Man, this is probably the most excited I've been for an announcement from this line! I've posted like 6 times today lol.