DC Direct doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

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Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!


Come and get your Christmas present!

Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

As you can see, the BTAS Batgirl sideview rendering corresponds very closely to the TNBA Batgirl figure, just like I said.
View attachment 312340
And really. Stop being so condescending.

In the front view for me they are really different about the hair. Maybe we see different things on same pic :dunno . I hope they will make a good figure, that's what I really care. :yess:

Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Hey everyone, wishing you all a happy holiday season!

Also, I recently listened to the latest episode of Batman the Animated Podcast with Justin Michael (Awesome podcast by the way!) He had an interview with Kevin from DCC to chat about this line of figures.

He offered some big hints that we will be seeing Montoya, Gray Ghost, and possibly BTAS Two-Face this coming year :wink1: Also, No for Clock King for right now—but Kevin also said that ‘no’ only means right now—as in scheduled, not forever.

They also mentioned how the Expressions pack will be coming with a more elaborate base for Batman for poses like jumping.
He also mentioned more “story telling” features and cited future expression packs and accessory packs as examples. I’m really hoping we eventually get some more diorama type pieces.

It was a fun podcast to listen to, it’s the most recent episode: “Christmas with the Joker” discussion.
Have a happy new year everyone, I look forward to all the continued conversation in this forum in 2017, and more figures!

Happy Holidays!
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!


Come and get your Christmas present!

View attachment 312351
I know Batgirl's head is in that box.

I can just imagine Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox opening it up with Batman in the background screaming, "What's in the box? WHAT'S IN THE BOOOOOXXXXX!"
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Hey everyone, wishing you all a happy holiday season!

Also, I recently listened to the latest episode of Batman the Animated Podcast with Justin Michael (Awesome podcast by the way!) He had an interview with Kevin from DCC to chat about this line of figures.

He offered some big hints that we will be seeing Montoya, Gray Ghost, and possibly BTAS Two-Face this coming year :wink1: Also, No for Clock King for right now—but Kevin also said that ‘no’ only means right now—as in scheduled, not forever.

They also mentioned how the Expressions pack will be coming with a more elaborate base for Batman for poses like jumping.
He also mentioned more “story telling” features and cited future expression packs and accessory packs as examples. I’m really hoping we eventually get some more diorama type pieces.

It was a fun podcast to listen to, it’s the most recent episode: “Christmas with the Joker” discussion.
Have a happy new year everyone, I look forward to all the continued conversation in this forum in 2017, and more figures!

Happy Holidays!

Thanks for the heads up, Vasq!

I went on to listen to that podcast, and Kevin actually said "maybe" to Montoya, Gray Ghost and Two-Face.
Well, knowing that Mr. Freeze is confirmed for next year but he said "maybe" to him as well when Justin asked, I'd take those 3 "maybe's" above as an "yes".
He would never properly confirm anything or break the news to Justin.

Anyway, I'm super excited.

I know Batgirl's head is in that box.

I can just imagine Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox opening it up with Batman in the background screaming, "What's in the box? WHAT'S IN THE BOOOOOXXXXX!"

OMG! What a horrible thing! :thud:
Has that ever happened on any Batman comic book that I'm forgetting? I'm curious now.

It s amazyng with the head change...
Merry xmas

It is.

Well, I like the Christmas head too. When you remove the excessive lipstick, you can see his cheek sculpt way better, and it's a good one. Also, adding his black eye shadow helps a lot, too.
It's a good head after all. I'll take a picture of it later.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Thanks for the heads up, Vasq!

I went on to listen to that podcast, and Kevin actually said "maybe" to Montoya, Gray Ghost and Two-Face.
Well, knowing that Mr. Freeze is confirmed for next year but he said "maybe" to him as well when Justin asked, I'd take those 3 "maybe's" above as an "yes".
He would never properly confirm anything or break the news to Justin.

Anyway, I'm super excited.

OMG! What a horrible thing! :thud:
Has that ever happened on any Batman comic book that I'm forgetting? I'm curious now.

It is.

Well, I like the Christmas head too. When you remove the excessive lipstick, you can see his cheek sculpt way better, and it's a good one. Also, adding his black eye shadow helps a lot, too.
It's a good head after all. I'll take a picture of it later.

Many thanks I wait the photo :)
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

OMG! What a horrible thing! :thud:
Has that ever happened on any Batman comic book that I'm forgetting? I'm curious now.

LMAO I wouldn't put something like that past The Joker, at least the comic or movie versions, but that was a reference to the movie "Se7en", which stars Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt. Probably before your time lol.


Of course, the New 52 version of the Joker liked removing faces, so I guess that's only one step off...
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

We should get Santa Bullock and Montoya Elf for next x-mas u.u

Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Thanks for the heads up, Vasq!

I went on to listen to that podcast, and Kevin actually said "maybe" to Montoya, Gray Ghost and Two-Face.
Well, knowing that Mr. Freeze is confirmed for next year but he said "maybe" to him as well when Justin asked, I'd take those 3 "maybe's" above as an "yes".
He would never properly confirm anything or break the news to Justin.

For the record, these are Kevin's answers to those four:

BTAS Two-Face: "Maybe."
Gray Ghost: "That would be appealing, let's just say." And then when Justin suggested maybe having the figure as a Comic Con exclusive, he responded with a very coy "maybe, you never know, you never know" and then "Things to be done."
Montoya: "It's sad for Harvey [Bullock] to be alone...that's a clue."
BTAS Mister Freeze: "Mmmm hmmm."
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Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

For the record, these are Kevin's answers to those four:

BTAS Two-Face: "Maybe."
Gray Ghost: "That would be appealing, let's just say." And then when Justin suggested maybe having the figure as a Comic Con exclusive, he responded with a very coy "maybe, you never know, you never know" and then "Things to be done."
Montoya: "It's sad for Harvey [Bullock] to be alone...that's a clue."
BTAS Mister Freeze: "Mmmm hmmm."

Justin needs to learn how to shut the **** up, and not ruin a good thing.:lol
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

LMAO I wouldn't put something like that past The Joker, at least the comic or movie versions, but that was a reference to the movie "Se7en", which stars Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt. Probably before your time lol.


Of course, the New 52 version of the Joker liked removing faces, so I guess that's only one step off...

Oh! I thought for sure it was something from the comics. I do know Se7en! :lol I recall seeing parts of it, but not the entire film. I'm not that young, though. :rotfl

Yeah, after leaving Batgirl disabled, killing her is not that far from happening. Poor girl.

For the record, these are Kevin's answers to those four:

BTAS Two-Face: "Maybe."
Gray Ghost: "That would be appealing, let's just say." And then when Justin suggested maybe having the figure as a Comic Con exclusive, he responded with a very coy "maybe, you never know, you never know" and then "Things to be done."
Montoya: "It's sad for Harvey [Bullock] to be alone...that's a clue."
BTAS Mister Freeze: "Mmmm hmmm."

You're correct. I misheard it. Sorry.

Still, apart from Freeze, the other three answers are not that obvious. At least not to me.
Who knows what "maybe", "appealing" and "that's a clue" mean to Kevin? :lol If only we saw his face expressions when saying those things, it would be easier to guess.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

OMG! What a horrible thing! :thud:
Has that ever happened on any Batman comic book that I'm forgetting? I'm curious now.

LMAO I wouldn't put something like that past The Joker, at least the comic or movie versions, but that was a reference to the movie "Se7en", which stars Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt. Probably before your time lol.


Of course, the New 52 version of the Joker liked removing faces, so I guess that's only one step off...

LOL! This! Yes Worldsgreatestdetective! Get to watchin Seven ASAP and we can dabble over how Spacey would have made an awesome Batman villain.
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

You're correct. I misheard it. Sorry.

Still, apart from Freeze, the other three answers are not that obvious. At least not to me.
Who knows what "maybe", "appealing" and "that's a clue" mean to Kevin? [emoji38] If only we saw his face expressions when saying those things, it would be easier to guess.
No apologies necessary, my friend. I just wanted to clarify for those who didn't or won't listen to the podcast.
He only answered "yes," to one figure, and that was BTAS Batgirl, as she was just revealed. His answers for Gray Ghost and Montoya were the most suggestively affirmative he gave during that whole interview. His "maybe" for BTAS Two-Face didn't sound all that strong to me, but he did actually answer with a no to a couple suggestions (STAS Kyle Rayner Green Lantern and Clock King), but even those he said could still be made abd just aren't planned at the moment. I've actually spoken to Kevin on multiple occasions, so I might hear more than another person, and I could actually picture his face when he answered. I'm only guessing here, which is all any of us can do at this point, but I'd say Montoya is definitely coming and soon, Gray Ghost is likely coming and is probably a little further back in the schedule, and BTAS Two-Face is likely planned, but may not have been given a definite spot, yet.
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Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Justin needs to learn how to shut the **** up, and not ruin a good thing.:lol

LOL seriously! No ******** exclusives with this line, PLEASE!

Oh! I thought for sure it was something from the comics. I do know Se7en! :lol I recall seeing parts of it, but not the entire film. I'm not that young, though. :rotfl

Yeah, after leaving Batgirl disabled, killing her is not that far from happening. Poor girl.

Well he did lead Batman to believe he had cut the faces off the entire Bat Fam. Kind of close lol.

LOL! This! Yes Worldsgreatestdetective! Get to watchin Seven ASAP and we can dabble over how Spacey would have made an awesome Batman villain.

Mannn Spacey would absolutely slay **** as a Batman villain! An insane monologue in the back of the Batmobile, then Bruce finds the ground up remains of his parents in his utility belt :mummy
Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!

Is there any new figures shipping this week to end the year