Thanks for the heads up, Vasq!
I went on to listen to that podcast, and Kevin actually said "maybe" to Montoya, Gray Ghost and Two-Face.
Well, knowing that Mr. Freeze is confirmed for next year but he said "maybe" to him as well when Justin asked, I'd take those 3 "maybe's" above as an "yes".
He would never properly confirm anything or break the news to Justin.
Anyway, I'm super excited.
OMG! What a horrible thing!

Has that ever happened on any Batman comic book that I'm forgetting? I'm curious now.
It is.
Well, I like the Christmas head too. When you remove the excessive lipstick, you can see his cheek sculpt way better, and it's a good one. Also, adding his black eye shadow helps a lot, too.
It's a good head after all. I'll take a picture of it later.