Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!
Love the extra Joker heads, but putting some new hands on yet another dupe figure makes it another easy pass, just like the Batman expressions pack.
Why not just give us trenchcoat Joker, the heads, floatie and hands? I want those extra heads, but after GNO no more dupes for me, no matter what. I wonder if the trenchcoat Joker comes in that pack too? That I would actually buy on it's own. Hope it isn't part of the expressions pack. If it is the SRP will go from $50 to $100 lol.
Who the hell posed Croc? Lol. Croc is clearly going to be taller than bane when he's standing straight up.
Bane looks really good though!
Not diggin Freeze's uncharacteristic smile either, though I'm sure it'll look better on the final fig. The nora snowglobe is awesome!! So glad they did that! Montoya looks dope too! I didn't see one in any pics, but I'm pretty sure she comes with an extra head.
Hate to say it , but Batgirl looks not very good imo. face just seems off. Maybe it's the angle? I like that there's skin between the mask and eyes, but the hair is still off too.

Also, this is what I'm supposed to be willing to spend an extra $40 on? Lmao definitely waiting to grab those figs loose.

All in all, pretty cool reveals, but they're really trying to milk us as much as they can with that dupe Joker fig, that awful "deluxe" box, and the awesome, but ridiculously overpriced Batcave set. I really like the 5 pack, but the hate the stupid box and price. Love the Joker expressions heads and accessories, but hate the dupe fig. Trenchcoat Joker is awesome, but I agree, the brim of his hat isn't wide enough. Superman's hands look a lot better in these pics than those tiny one's in the initial pic released. Lois' headsculpt seems a little off to me from those pics, idk. Bruce still missing the whites of his eyes in the expressions set, though the face does look a little better than the first pic we saw.
Not very much for me to get from this line this year. Riddler, Catwoman, Superman 2 pack, Batgirl and possibly Trenchcoat Joker if he's single card. Passing on both expressions packs and waiting quite a while after the 5 pack and Batputer are released, until the prices drop significantly or I can grab the 5 pack figs loose.
Love the extra Joker heads, but putting some new hands on yet another dupe figure makes it another easy pass, just like the Batman expressions pack.
Why not just give us trenchcoat Joker, the heads, floatie and hands? I want those extra heads, but after GNO no more dupes for me, no matter what. I wonder if the trenchcoat Joker comes in that pack too? That I would actually buy on it's own. Hope it isn't part of the expressions pack. If it is the SRP will go from $50 to $100 lol.
Who the hell posed Croc? Lol. Croc is clearly going to be taller than bane when he's standing straight up.

Not diggin Freeze's uncharacteristic smile either, though I'm sure it'll look better on the final fig. The nora snowglobe is awesome!! So glad they did that! Montoya looks dope too! I didn't see one in any pics, but I'm pretty sure she comes with an extra head.
Hate to say it , but Batgirl looks not very good imo. face just seems off. Maybe it's the angle? I like that there's skin between the mask and eyes, but the hair is still off too.

Also, this is what I'm supposed to be willing to spend an extra $40 on? Lmao definitely waiting to grab those figs loose.

All in all, pretty cool reveals, but they're really trying to milk us as much as they can with that dupe Joker fig, that awful "deluxe" box, and the awesome, but ridiculously overpriced Batcave set. I really like the 5 pack, but the hate the stupid box and price. Love the Joker expressions heads and accessories, but hate the dupe fig. Trenchcoat Joker is awesome, but I agree, the brim of his hat isn't wide enough. Superman's hands look a lot better in these pics than those tiny one's in the initial pic released. Lois' headsculpt seems a little off to me from those pics, idk. Bruce still missing the whites of his eyes in the expressions set, though the face does look a little better than the first pic we saw.
Not very much for me to get from this line this year. Riddler, Catwoman, Superman 2 pack, Batgirl and possibly Trenchcoat Joker if he's single card. Passing on both expressions packs and waiting quite a while after the 5 pack and Batputer are released, until the prices drop significantly or I can grab the 5 pack figs loose.