Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!
She does look pretty good next to Nightwing! I have a feeling these are gonna be warming pegs at my LCS for a long time lol. Just went in again yesterday and they haven't sold a single expressions pack and still have 4 Christmas Jokers in stock from months ago lol. I can't imagine that Riddler selling very well.
Diamond did TNBA Catwoman way better, as expected lol. Only $15 more than that lil fig too

hahahahaha dat pic xDDDD digital sculpt always mess up things xDD But in the overall the face sculpt is pretty damn good imo, she's more accurate than a lot of character we saw in this line. I'm getting her for sure, but like you, I will wait for a reasonable price. Which means 15-20€ for me. (ship included!)
Totally agree. The design is pure trash, and the figure follow the same line. But for some weird reason I like it and I wanna add it to the collection (in TNBA I have only Batman, Robin, Nightwing, Batgirl, Joker and Harley Mad Love). Next to Nightwing looks good IMO (Just need a better pose)
Riddler looks also good but I really don't understand DCC policy... WHY? There are more important TNBA character people want.. why this Riddler??
She does look pretty good next to Nightwing! I have a feeling these are gonna be warming pegs at my LCS for a long time lol. Just went in again yesterday and they haven't sold a single expressions pack and still have 4 Christmas Jokers in stock from months ago lol. I can't imagine that Riddler selling very well.
Diamond did TNBA Catwoman way better, as expected lol. Only $15 more than that lil fig too