Re: DC Collectibles doing Batman The Animated Series figures!!!!!
@zelu- your customs are the best, man!
@zelu- your customs are the best, man!
Here is the latest from Zelu's kitchen
Thomas Ernest Hulme biography
Tygrus with TNBA Croc as a base
Seriously..why can’t DCD hire you. Your work is phenomenal
Can you try to do the Doctor from the Tygrus episode..I liked the way he looked. He seemed like a big guy
Thanks you guys!
@guyver1 no plans for the Doctor yet but maybe Cat-Catwoman form that episode
@naboni sadly no, the hole is bigger in the expression pack so you can put it on an old Harley figures but it's too loose BUT if you add a bit of Blue Tac this will solve the problem
So we have the opposite problem of the joker expressions pack where the hole are too small...
I have done a looot of cleaning this weekend and I rearrange all the figures All dust free now ^_^
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Love those collection images. I wonder, did you sculpt that MOTP cape?
Great set up Zulu - how hard is to to remove the batcave equipment from the base to set it up like that?
I have no room for the set as it is but would be tempted to get one if it easy to remove without modifying the set permanently.
Am I missing the spring for the boxong glove in the Harley Expression pack or did get cut? It's in the solicit pic.