DC RELAUNCHING entire Universe in September

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Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

I ditched Cap when they started bringing him back. That was ____ing weak as hell.

I got back into reading him at his death and then rebirth. Storyline has been really good. I've enjoyed the hell out of it.
Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

I don't get the costume re-designs, Wonder Woman and Batman just had redesigned costumes not that long ago. The iconic images of these characters are engraved into people's minds changing them all for the sake of making a younger more modern DC Universe just seems silly. When they originally changed Wonder Woman's costume there were complaints, when the NBC show was happening and she had pants there were complaints, so now DC thinks giving her pants is going to go over great with everyone? Re booting your whole universe won't make you number 1, marvel has just had more success in getting their characters into popular culture through movies and cartoons and what not. I look foward to the day they give up on this modern universe.
Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

Well it looks like I will be cancelling my Batman and Dark Knight subs and thats a damn shame because I was enjoying both comics.
Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

I ditched that with A Brand New Day. :dunno

I would've rather just seen how they dealt with Parker's identity revealed after Civil War. Instead, they pulled a Dallas. :monkey1

I only stuck with it because of how long I had collected the title... Civil War was a good time to cancel too. Yuk.
Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

Have to disagree with ya on that. Glad they brought Steve back.

I'd much rather see a story stay consistent and work past the hurdles than continually backpedal and "Dallas" their way out of ____ because of reader backlash. That's one of the reasons why Valiant was such a great company. When someone died, they stayed that way.
Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

Morrison's original idea for a Superman reboot:

Read the rest including his idea for the characters here:https://superman.nu/theages/History/2000/SUPERMAN2000.php

People are thinking that he will be taking some but not all of his Superman from this idea.

So it looks like they might be changing him because of the lawsuit. Are they saying that he's not going to be from Krypton?
Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

I'd much rather see a story stay consistent and work past the hurdles than continually backpedal and "Dallas" their way out of ____ because of reader backlash. That's one of the reasons why Valiant was such a great company. When someone died, they stayed that way.

Oh I understand that. I just really am glad they brought him back and really like where the story line is as right now. Could it have been good the other way? Sure but I personally prefer it this way.
Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

It sure sounds like DC is giving Johns the keys to the universe in a similar degree that Marvel has done with Bendis. I read them both and I am interested to see how things turn out. I read at least 3 Avengers titles, Amazing and Ultimate Spider-Man, everything Hulk and Uncanny X-Men. Half of those are either written or plotted by Bendis.
I really am interested to see Morrison do another Superman story, All Star was amazing, and I am also very excited to see Jim Lee doing Justice League. We'll see if the team of Johns and Lee can do better stories than the team of Dwayne McDuffie and Ed Benes from a few years ago. IMO that was one of the better recent Justice League runs.
Hopefulyl they will keep the Power Girl series going, even if it has a revamp. I'd love to see Amanda Conner come back and do PG.
I also think it is interesting to see them try to pair Superman with Wonder Woman romantically. Though it isn't a new concept I always thought the impression recently was that Supes had an attraction to WW but she was the one that really wanted him while Supes always had eyes for Lois. We shall see.
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Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

Really? ____ Grayson got censored? Really?

Haha. Every time someone writes "____ Grayson," my mind automatically fills in the censoring with "Fuhk Grayson." I'm always confused and ask myself "What does this guy have against ____ Grayson? I thought everyone likes him!" It always takes me a second to figure it out.
Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

Haha. Every time someone writes "____ Grayson," my mind automatically fills in the censoring with "Fuhk Grayson." I'm always confused and ask myself "What does this guy have against ____ Grayson? I thought everyone likes him!" It always takes me a second to figure it out.


That's so funny because the same thing happens with me :lol
Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

I wonder where this will leave me on my current pull list. On the plus side maybe I will not have to worry about getting so many lantern titles now. I do have to wonder what this means for Booster Gold though :(
Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

I just don't get why they don't do like Marvel did with the Ultimate universe. It keeps longtime fans happy, it doesn't annoy new fans who are just getting a grasp of continuity (me), and it can be younger and more hip or whatever to bring in new fans. Then those new fans will start buying the original universe stuff (I did) because they're intrigued and want more. Then they're buying twice as much. At least until the new universe starts sucking worse than the old one and they drop it (me again).
Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

An Ultimate universe would look like DC is following Marvel's lead and really achieve nothing. This is their attempt to one-up Marvel completely.

The Greg Capullo Batman (initial)


AND this is shocking:
Bleeding Cool understands that the DC Relaunch will also bring back a number of Wildstorm titles, as part of the new DC Universe.

Jim Lee’s Wildstorm studio and books were closed down at the end of last year, the licensed and creator owned titles shifted to DC, the staff moved to DC Digital and the Wildstorm Universe books canned. Well, it looks like several of the fifty-two issue one titles in September will be Wildstorm-related. We can probably guess Authority, Gen 13, WildCATS and the like, but I hear Grifter will also be a title.

Although finding a writer has been hard, and two have dropped off the book already…

So the Wildstorm Universe will be melded with the DCU. Talk about characters that don't exact match up....
Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

It'll be interesting to see DC's next bull____ excuse for why more people aren't reading they're books when this tanks and mark my words TANK it will.

Although I have heard Babs MAY BE Batgirl again because of this I suppose that's one good thing that might come out of this*even though I wanted Cass to be Batgirl again Babs gets all the media appearances*
Re: DC Rebooting entire Universe in September

Open Letter from Dan Didio said:
Folks, as you wonder and wait for the new series announcements to unfold, I just wanted to let you know that we are spending an extraordinary amount of time and energy to reinvigorate our line of characters and bring the best books possible for the widest audience possible. Sorry if anyone is feeling disenfranchised, especially since that's not the intent. Quite the opposite, we are trying to create a place and story where older fans can point for new fans to start, whether in periodical, graphic novel or digital. A place where everyone can share in the excitement of the DC Universe.

As the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, and there are a lot of great things that don't need fixing. But we also saying that will not stand ideally by and let series run on inertia and let the industry fade around us. All of us here at DC love the form and the characters way too much for that.

Tomorrow we begin filling you in on all the excitement we have planned, plenty of real new to talk about and its time for everyone to join in the fun.

best, DD


Comic Alliance doesn't think it'll be a full reboot:
With regards to the continuity reboot, I doubt it will be as complete as people fear. The August DC solicitations promise too many continuations, and they definitely knew this was in the work. Solicitations for titles like War of the Green Lanterns: Aftermath and T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents promise more to come; Batman Incorporated #10 is concluding on a "surprise ending." In an interview with USA Today, Dan DiDio stated that while roughly three-quarters of titles will see a creative team switch-up, one quarter -- the books that are working -- won't be touched by the reboot.

There's no conceivable reason to mess with high-selling moneymakers like Batman Incorporated, Green Lantern, Batman: The Dark Knight and, well, other Batman titles, and to do so would be a huge mistake, especially since Grant Morrison's major Leviathan uber-arc is, alongside Geoff Johns's Green Lantern, the only major DC title with ongoing stories continuing past August. The Superman and Wonder Woman franchises, on the other hand, are in desperate need of a shake-up. J. Michael Straczynski absolutely murdered any narrative momentum those books may have had before.

Read More: https://www.comicsalliance.com/2011/06/01/dc-comics-reboot/#ixzz1O4u9R7tM

They are of course assuming. Looks like we'll start to find out tomorrow what this new DCU has in-store.
