Thanks!!Great collection sfa.
Yeah definitely. You can feel the difference in the articulation too. The joints are much sturdier and movable.the articulation on the AK figures have improved SO much more than the AA and AC figures,
Yeah definitely. You can feel the difference in the articulation too. The joints are much sturdier and movable.
Really like these shots!! Very cool
Nice work, love these photos![]()
Does anyone else wish that the Scarecrow figure's fear gas canisters were on his stomach instead of his chest like in the actual game? I dunno, I think it would have worked better as a figure, and for some reason having the harness over the noose bugs me.
Hell, the model on the side of the box is actually accurate to the game model. Why make the choice regarding the harness? The only guess I can make is that the current harness was easier to make in mass than the actual one.
So around what time do you think we'll get the announcement for AK Series 2 figures?