DCC - Batman: Arkham Figure Series (Origins, Asylum, City, Knight)

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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Some of those DLC skins could make for some great Batman variants at least.

Actually, that would be a great idea. I was wondering how they were going to put a Batman in every wave. TDKR AC Batman would be excellent.

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

not crazy about Harley's face but they look great, tho like other people I expected catwomen and 2-face. Batman's Bruce Wayne head look like he's got a black eye, maybe it's the make-up you never see him apply, who knows. maybe we'll get a battle damaged maskless bat's down the road.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I've always hoped DC Direct would go back and do a brand new line based on TAS.

Is it out of the realm of possibility that HT will do this game? I really hope they do...it'll make playing the game that much more enjoyable.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I was half expecting to see Joker too, after seeing a loose version of him on eBay from a China seller:

If he is indeed to be included as the fourth figure in wave one, I wonder what the reasoning is behind not showing him yet?
It's not like Rocksteady haven't shown us his face in trailers already.

And I can see why they havent showed him yet. :horror That figure is the most scariest toy ever. imagine going to toy r us as a kid and seeing that face. I have chucky dolls and none of them are scarier than that.

Still getting this tho.:dunno Dont ask.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

They already did a really good Joker ... and that one with the weird face isn't really different enough to justify a whole new figure. I'd rather they did someone else for the 4th. Riddler or Two-Face seem to be the most logical choices. Freeze or Catwoman are outside choices.

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

They are easily going to make 2-4 waves of figures so there is no need to rush. Post-Titan Joker is a legit variant and his outfit is painted differently as well, its not just a new head. But really, do they need to waste tooling a new Joker outfit? Reuse here seems logical so they can focus new sculpting on something better like Grundy or Freeze.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I'd just hate for the wave to be cancelled before we get a complete collection of the main villains in AC. Which is why I'm a tad annoyed at the first wave, because there aren't any of the 'big hitters' I was expecting. I'm probably just being too negative, but I tend to assume, with every wave of any figure line, that that's all we'll be getting. But that hopefully won't be the case here.

Just give us a kick ass second wave - Riddler, Two Face, Strange, Catwoman, and maybe throw in Mr Freeze or Penguin to compensate for a smaller first wave. Then the wave after that can add in more minor ones, like Talia, Deadshot, Black Mask and Nightwing (if they're in it). Perhaps mix those two possible waves up to be realistic, to give us more of a balance between big hitters and minor characters. Then each one would have a 'hero' to ground the wave in Catwoman and Nightwing. Then we can have Grundy released as a larger Killer Croc-esque figure, and then possibly ANOTHER wave of as yet unannounced villains, who would be spoilery to release this early on.

That'd be the perfect line-up for me. But instead the next wave is likely to have a post-titan Joker repaint and a masked version of Wave 1 Batman. But no doubt we'll get Catwoman in the next wave at least.
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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

I'm betting Batman has a masked head with him. I'd be very surprised if he doesn't. I'm still thinking 'zombie' Joker as the ebay auctions are calling him, will be a a NYCC exclusive. I don't see why else sellers would have him in hand already if he is in a wave 10 months from now. If that was the case, then were are the in-hand Killer Crocs? :lol

And I'm not sure if we'll ever get a wave without Batman. Catwoman could possible anchor a wave as 'Batman' since we get to play as her, but I kind of doubt it. At least there are some great DLC skins they could use as variants.

I'm still shocked by the 3 figure wave instead of the usual 4. Hopefully this means we'll get more waves, but of smaller amounts. So maybe even 4 or 5 waves instead of just the 2 AA got. Although I think Croc is technically an AA figure and not AC, so that would open up Grundy as the 'deluxe' figure for AC sometime in the future.

If they stick with the 3 figure waves I'd expect something like this:

Catwoman* Assuming she can sub as Batman

Mr. Freeze
DLC Batman Skin variant

Black Mask
DLC Batman Skin variant

NYCC EX: Post-Titan Joker
SDCC EX: Battle Damaged Batman
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

There wasn't much in AA that they didn't get into the first two waves. Croc was notably absent. Other than him ... Gordon?, the handless prison guard?, a goon or two?

AC has a lot more characters. It'll need at least three waves to get all the heavy hitters.

(1) Batman, Robin, Harley, ?? (if Nightwing is the 4th first-waver, it would explain the lack of a photo)
(2) Catwoman, Riddler, Two-Face, Freeze
(3) Penguin, Grundy, Deadshot, Hugo Strange

... and that's assuming only one Batman, no Joker, and still leaves out Talia, Black Mask, Calendar Man, Bane, and any unrevealed villains or other repeats that we're not sure about (Zsasz, Ivy, Croc, Scarecrow).

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Speaking of Scarecrow, I really hope they don't just forget about the endings of AA with Scarecrow/Croc/Bane grabbing Titan.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Bane is definitely in AC ... apparently as a co-op with Batman ...


... and that series of avatars that was leaked earlier showed Croc, Bane and Ivy in new photos (along with Freeze, Grundy and Penguin) ...


I'd be surprised if Scarecrow didn't at least get a mention.

Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Well, in the Arkham Asylum world, Scarecrow is a big deal, and the developers have said they realise how popular the Scarecrow sections were in the first game. So, chances are Scarecrow is back in a big way, but they're not announcing him so that he has more of an impact when you play the game. I think I'm right in thinking that they didn't announce the Scarecrow sections prior to AA's release, so it's a similar deal here.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

It has been confirmed. The sickened Joker figure is a NYCC figure. I just knew it. Looks like he only comes with a stand so buying one off ebay last week seems to have been a great choice!
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Cool! Glad I got one also :D where has that news been confirmed Buttmunch?
I'd be lying to myself if I said I wasn't going to get him MIP too lol
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Confirmed here.

Anyone got any decent close-ups of the post-Titan Joker? The eBay pics are alright, but I wouldn't mind a closer look to decide whether I'll pick it up. I didn't want to get doubles of characters, but it might go quite nicely alongside the AC Harley.
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Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

Cool. It'll be nice to see him in the Arkham City packaging.
Mine's still on route from China but should be here very soon - will post close up pics as soon as he gets here if no one else has by then.
Re: Batman: Arkham City - DC Direct - Series 1 action figures

that thing is horrifying. the scariest joker yet.