Tekkaman Blade
Super Freak
Interested, but will need to know prices before I decide.
I definatly agree that a TT Narrow/ Kevin Flynn body would be the best option for this. With that said, you may want to consider tailoring the arms just a bit tighter of a fit, considering its currently on what I believe to be a muscle body and already looks a bit loose.
If you do choose to offer these in the future, please count me in for a radiaton suit outfit.
Hi Dan, everything looks amazing so far!
I'm using a Truetype narrow for my Doc. Will you be offering any of these pieces of the outfit? I just realized I had made an assumption that you wereI would be interested in everything but the radiation suit (as I already have one) if you are
I'll get you squared away as best I can, Dane.
Keep in mind, though, that we are tailoring each piece, with respect to how it fits with the radiation suit, drape/fitting/bulkiness-wise. Also, we will be adding the black pants cuffs attached directly to the pant legs of the radiation suit. Like the dickey for the shirt, this should simplify production and hold costs lower (than if the entire, never-seen pants are tailored), while maintaining an impeccable visual presentation overall...
I can't make any guarantees, naturally, as to how this would all jibe with Beto's suit... as nice as it is.
Truetype narrow it is. TTM18.
Thanks for corroborating, fellas.
However... have any of you checked out the Headplay version, which claims to be very similar to the TTM18? It's less than half the price of a TTM18...
That's a cool expression Dan. I'd also love to see something more wide eyed, like this: