Dead Space 2

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Dead Space perfected the Scifi Space Horror atmosphere. To say I was blown away by the first one is an understatement to say the least! Can't wait for this game :yess:


Dead Space perfected the Scifi Space Horror atmosphere. To say I was blown away by the first one is an understatement to say the least! Can't wait for this game :yess:

Agreed 101% DS2 is by far my most anticipated game atm. Still it's gonna be hard to top the first one but I have high hopes. HT really need to get the license for this series.
That video was awesome, the dude in it was like whispering sweet nothings in my ear. :D

Dead Space perfected the Scifi Space Horror atmosphere. To say I was blown away by the first one is an understatement to say the least! Can't wait for this game :yess:
Hell yeah! I played the hell outta the first one and got all the achievements for it, can't wait for round 2! :rock

HT really need to get the license for this series.

Yes please!!
I never see the covers of the games so I don't give a dang about that....looking at it just makes me feel good in my special place. Can't wait!!!!! :clap