Re: DEADFEST 2007 RESPONSE THREAD - 2nd SSF Custom Challenge
My official DEADFEST response post!
As for mine, thanks all for the kind comments.
The Luke was done some time early in the challenge timeline, so I had time to tweak him, and get the boots from Shawn, etc, so I am proud of how he came out. I NEVER expected the responses to him though. I had told DA Josh that I assumed everyone would take issue that he may not be a proper zombie, so I tried in vain to get the Undead Caller done. If I had known that one would be essentially passed over for the Luke, I wouldn't have even made him!

Oh well. He grounds me in the sho-nuff Zombies. And again, thanks all for your kind words about either.
I never really made the Luke for myself, so I may part with him sometime. The other one has borrowed clothing, so he goes back into my fodder.
As for the rest of the works posted...
P!TU, your repaints are superb! You do love blood! As your video shows, you did a great job on them all. I wouldn't have known that they were not that way from the get go. Very well done sir!
What can be said?!??!?!! Your set of ten are astounding! Your obvious love for all things Zombies is apparant, and your imagination has no limits! I too love the skullfaced one you sculpted so well. Your photos are all super also. I like ALL your entries! I am not sure I have a favorite, as each has a unique look and stamp. Your eyes are what I note each time. Beyond all the gore, and imaginative composition, your attention to character overrides each figure, and grounds them into a great set. SUPERB WORK!
Dark Artist,
Well, Josh, you know I love Jawless Jim! After having seen and held Jawless Ron in person, I can appreciate each of your entries even more. The S.W.A.T. Sam is astounding as is Nude Nell, who is VERY dark and haunting! Your Cap is terrific, and it was great to see who owned the open brains!
SUPER additions to our challenge!
I LOVE your Dawn and Day figs! It just wouldn't be a zombie challenge without those guys represented! I love both! Dr. Tongue has always been a favorite zombie character, and he looks perfect. But, your Airport zombie, the flagship guy for Dawn, is superb! Perfect likeness and that wonderfully tacky BLUE ZOMBIE look of the old Dawn! Great stuff!
Your Tarman is tops! As is your Trash. (I always liked her!) Great to see that movie represented also! Great additions! Thanks so much for those!
Your zombie Peter Parker is a great counterpoint for DA's Cap. A super job and great detail! Dead man walking is super also. He looks messed up, and on that page, won't make it long! Great entries both!
This is a really cool setup for our challenge. A great set of VERY haunting figures! OLD school style "true" zombie stuff! Very cool and atmospheric photos too! I for one love your set. GREAT work! Very effective!
Anzik Hayes,
GOOD LORD! A zombie movie in the making! I kept expecting it to start moving! And like I said in the other thread, about your photos, I LOVE the lines and "film" effect in your shots, even if unintentional. I thought you meant to do that at first! It made me think immediately of old Drive-In 70's kitchy Zombie movies! A great scene, with lasting effect. Yes, that blood smear on the wall lingers in the mind! Great job!
Doctor T,
Nomak! Nuff said! He always rules the frame! I mean, my God! What can compare to that? The THING perhaps? WOW! Your work on it is legend now. What a post! Thanks for bringing one of Vampiredoms greatest, and most original, villains to our meager challenge!
Your The Dead repaints look great to me! I especially enjoy seeing that perfectly good coat "die" too! Great job on that. All in all, a great set!
Again, your repaints of The Dead are terrific! I hope you can show more shots later. Thanks for posting, and do add to your post when you can.
Anyone feel free to add shots in your posts if you didn't get finished.
I do wish those that posted responses in the Image thread hadn't, but your comments and enthusiasm are still appreciated. Thanks for responding at all.
(Where are the mods like last time?

And, to those that didn't post, but were going to...
Phooey on Youey! 
I jest.

I hope you still can. It's too late for our Halloween deadline, but I think a couple more additions over time would be welcome.
I miss seeing a couple of you not post. Namely Customikey, who's hydra headed wonder stole the Female challenge show last go round. I would like to have seen what he would have done for this challenge.
a WONDERFUL turnout! I hope this was fun for you all!