Depreciation of SSW statues... is it a trend??.

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gtb said:
Does it allow you to add up automatically??

Yes, click on "Collection Manager" -> "View" and you will see a complete list of your items with the total "value" on top of the page:

With the exception of a few pieces i find it quite the opposite. I have had my eye on a few pieces lately and all i see is that they are becoming more and more scarce therefore driving the prices higher and higher. The confusion lies in some of the rather large and uneeded edition sizes of 5000-10000. Those will remain forever dropping as i estimate only 2-3000 die hard collectors outhere. So for the smaller editions prices will always rise so long as there are freaks like us still hunting for the last few pieces to finish our collections!!!! :naughty
I think Ringwraith really bucked the trend at 5000 pieces, still sought after but of course, not back to those 1,000 dollar high levels.
Great Collection manager, I am amazed now at what I spent on Sideshow Weta! They should send me on a nice vacation for all of the money I spent!

143 $12205 $20765 $8560

One question for GOLIATH, how did you get the COST column to show up? I assume that means what you paid for it, as apposed to MSRP.
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Daveyjaro said:
One question for GOLIATH, how did you get the COST column to show up? I assume that means what you paid for it, as apposed to MSRP.

The collection manager is a powerful too, indeed!

To set your own prices - once logged in to the collection manager - click on "Set Prices" and then you can untick the box next to MSRP and put in the prices you have paid for an item or sold it for. If you have (or had) more than one of each item, each one can be set individually.

The cost of those items will then appear in a lighter blue color - as the Cave Troll an the RoS in my screenshot posted.

I have just started to update those prices in my collection, otherwise my cost column would be drastically higher :eek:
thanks Goliath! I entered in what I paid for every item. Seems I have paid about $2100 above retail for everything total. That isn't bad considering I paid $1000 for Balrog and $500 for Snot Baby. Here is my updated chart:

143 $12205 $14165 $20765 $6600
After selling a bunch of stuff to clear some CC debt late last year here is mine.

43 $6170 $7150 $11945 $4795

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