Dexter Discussion Thread *Spoilers*

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The thing with the fire--I wondered why Travis kept Dexter alive when he was coming there with a gun, obviously just to kill him. If he was planing all along to use him for the last thing then it should have been made clear he didn't want to kill him right away.

Plus it was too obvious Dexter would just jump into the water. Although I think with an explosion he would have been too close and the shockwave would have knocked him out, or at least caused another bloody nose.
The thing with the fire--I wondered why Travis kept Dexter alive when he was coming there with a gun, obviously just to kill him. If he was planing all along to use him for the last thing then it should have been made clear he didn't want to kill him right away.

Plus it was too obvious Dexter would just jump into the water. Although I think with an explosion he would have been too close and the shockwave would have knocked him out, or at least caused another bloody nose.

:exactly: :lecture

I'm convinced... the season will end with Dex and his tights on, flying around Miami, swooping down to Joe's Stone Crabs, eating a bunch of those and a key-lime pie and then saving the state from another serial killer (geez, how many does Miami have) while holding an American flag on Biscayne blvd.
I used to wait for Sunday nights to see what was going to happen, now I more or less watch Dexter waiting for Homeland to come on.

OUCH. That says alot right there about how the show has lost it's way. The highlights of my sunday night tv watching this season have mostly come from The Walking Dead.

The thing with the fire--I wondered why Travis kept Dexter alive when he was coming there with a gun, obviously just to kill him. If he was planing all along to use him for the last thing then it should have been made clear he didn't want to kill him right away.

I thought about that too. I could almost tell myself that he just brought the gun to intimidate Dexter or maintain the upperhand. I guess it did make perfect sense for him to cast "the beast" into the Lake of Fire - even though he was clearly provoked and angered by Dexter's actions. Perhaps it was more out-of-character for Travis to come close to just shooting Batista at pointblank range? Nothing Biblical about that.

Consistancy: These characters all need to stick to their established character traits.
:exactly: :lecture

I'm convinced... the season will end with Dex and his tights on, flying around Miami, swooping down to Joe's Stone Crabs, eating a bunch of those and a key-lime pie and then saving the state from another serial killer (geez, how many does Miami have) while holding an American flag on Biscayne blvd.

The Dark Defender rides again!!!!
The writers aren't even trying to make Laguerta human any more. I have to wonder what's going on behind the scenes there.

I hope the season finale doesn't have a cliff-hanger. IMHO there aren't any story lines from this season worth spilling over into the next.

edit: Oh, and the Deb dream is stupid. the whole shrink story is lame. If I wanted Dr. Melfy I'll watch a Sopranos DVD.
Ring of fire was lame, the threat dexter poses to Travis is go great he should have killed him then and there?!

Jamie will probably die in the next episode..that's a shame, o and Dexter should really invest in a tranquilizer gun.:lecture
The tranq gun idea would be epic!

He should have like a wrist-crossbow that shoots it!!!:rotfl

Speaking of LaGuerta....I like how they just completely dropped the Angel/Maria thing from out-of-nowhere. They were so married and in love and torn and now they are back to their characters from Season 1. Seems like there should be "something" there to make the transition seem believable.
The writers have made some poor choices for writing on the entire supporting cast this season. All of the Miami PD characters have been off-note. We've seen more of the lame software writer intern than Masuka. They want you to hate LaGuerta. Deb has spent so much time with the shrink they haven't sold her as a capable chief. And the first few episodes where they had Quinn and Angel driving around in the Firebird I kept hearing 80's detective show themes in my head.

And I'll restate what I said earlier - Olmos was carrying the DDK scenes. Now that he's gone they've lost most of the drama. Olmos is an intense actor who commands the focus of every scene he plays. Colin Hanks is about as scary as what's his face from That 70's Show. Big miscalculation.
Maybe the new direction for the final 2 seasons will be a rom-com called DEBSTER.

As someone called it in this thread, I think Louis is
ITK's son. It makes sense logistically since Dexter went to his 20th High School reunion and Brian was several years older.
I think that will be the "final revelation" mentioned in the pre-cap for next week. But even that is kind of inbred and reeks of fan-service. There just aren't any creative ideas left with these writers.

Hope to be proven wrong, though!
Maybe the new direction for the final 2 seasons will be a rom-com called DEBSTER.

As someone called it in this thread, I think Louis is
ITK's son. It makes sense logistically since Dexter went to his 20th High School reunion and Brian was several years older.
I think that will be the "final revelation" mentioned in the pre-cap for next week. But even that is kind of inbred and reeks of fan-service. There just aren't any creative ideas left with these writers.

Hope to be proven wrong, though!

I'm down with that.
This is hands down one of the worst seasons of any show I have ever watched. Last nights episode just proves it.

You would think after his brother trying to kill Deb, Lila trying to kill the kids, Trinity actually killing his wife, and Chase trying to kill Lumen that he would, I don't know, try to protect his family just a little bit better.

"Hey man, here is a video of me in front of my boat so that you can totally find out my identity, so that once again someone can try to murder/abduct someone I care for in the finale".
This is hands down one of the worst seasons of any show I have ever watched. Last nights episode just proves it.

You would think after his brother trying to kill Deb, Lila trying to kill the kids, Trinity actually killing his wife, and Chase trying to kill Lumen that he would, I don't know, try to protect his family just a little bit better.

"Hey man, here is a video of me in front of my boat so that you can totally find out my identity, so that once again someone can try to murder/abduct someone I care for in the finale".

:rotfl :goodpost:
or with Louis The Diabolical Intern Collector (L-DIC), they spoiled that by showing "his hand" too soon. It made no sense to show the ITK hand on his shelf episodes ago. Last night, think about how much more hard-hitting it would've been to see him with that hand if it was totally unexpected? Why'd they reveal he had ulterior motives so early? Shoulda just built him up as the harmless nerd and then revealed his motives last night for the first time. That could've been a truly great moment.

Your whole post was amazing, but since Louis is the only thing I care about up to episode 11, I want to know what the hell those lines on the palm mean.

I hope they don't turn Louis into ITK's son, that would be a huge let down. I just hope he is an obsessed crazy and found out Dexter is his brother because of his computer skills.

Maybe even Louis saves Dexter and Harrison? As lame as that would be, I wouldn't be surprised with the writing this season.
Didn't he learn anything form Little Chino? :lol

Nope .. Obviously 2 fully loaded M99 syringes did the trick on taking Little Chino down , but Dex was a ******* using Wal-Mart brand plastic wrap on him (Shoulda used a name brand).

Then the spear worked also but again he hasn't learned
My verdict on this season

Personally I thought last season had some really good moments, Jonny Lee Miller's character was very enjoyable, I think if they used him more it would have made last season even better.
This season has had no suspense, it's been blatantly obvious what is going to happen next, and the serial killer has been weak. The worst crime has been done to the characters we have got to know over previous seasons, worst of all to Dexter himself. Take the last episode as a good example, no way would you expect somebody who's code is don't get caught, to leave a video message to a killer who is on the run from the police, and could get caught at any moment
Hopefully something can be done to rescue the show for next season
Yeah...this has been pretty weak. I'm looking forward to seeing about the ice truck killer's hand. But if Louis is the next big bad, it shouldn't be too hard for Dexter to just whip out his dumb ass. It's like they are writing Dexter to be either a huge idiot or superman to drag on/get him out of danger this season.

I've watched this show since season 1...I've seen all the seasons up to 5 twice. And after watching Boardwalk empire and tuning in to this show last night I was like.. oh yeah this dumb show. haha

I liked Dexter saving Deb's life. That was a pretty brutal way to kill that stupid woman all by herself.

It's like the show has run out of ideas so now it is just referencing the best of dexter; taking cool and shocking bits and pieces from previous seasons and bastardizing it for our viewing pleasure.
I hope they don't turn Louis into ITK's son, that would be a huge let down. I just hope he is an obsessed crazy and found out Dexter is his brother because of his computer skills.

It would be a shark-jumping moment if there hasn't been one already.


Born: Christian Minnick
July 7, 1971 in New York City, New York, USA


Born: Joshua Gregory Cooke
November 22, 1979 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

"I had to live in orphanages cause my dad was still in 3rd grade when I was born! - I hate you, Uncle Dexter!!! "

He could seek vengeance because it's not fair that he has more facial wrinkles than his own dad!!!!!!!!!

I'm really hoping they don't go too far fetched with Louis The Diabolical Intern Collector (L-DIC), to me the coolest possible outcome would be for him to eventually help Dexter, be a sidekick or something - do alot of the PC legwork and detective work to give Dexter a chance to do more killing and not waste so much time on research. Kinda like how Punisher had a dude like that (I don't wanna do the Batman/Robin comparison, nor is an Aquaman/Aqualad reference good at any time). Maybe discovering Dexter is his way of impressing Dexter?

That would be the best angle though seriously, let's not have another mild-mannered secret killer in Miami.

You would think after his brother trying to kill Deb, Lila trying to kill the kids, Trinity actually killing his wife, and Chase trying to kill Lumen that he would, I don't know, try to protect his family just a little bit better.

well said.

Dexter has been having quite a few "keystone cops" type of moments over the past few episodes. It really kinda kills the mystique of the character when he has so many facepalm worthy slip-ups.
It's like the show has run out of ideas so now it is just referencing the best of dexter; taking cool and shocking bits and pieces from previous seasons and bastardizing it for our viewing pleasure.

Which is why I think that Nebraska, road trip episode may be the most overrated episode EVER in the series. Ok, yeah... Biney was back, but not really.. and, oh well. Pffft.

The more I look back at the season, that show, the more I really don't like it and the rehashing just really ruined the luster. It we would have never seen Biney ever again, I would have been fine with it.

Anyone has a screen cap of last night to see the markings he was drawing on the hand? Is it reflexology? Palm reading, life lines et? Was it anatomical labeling? Who knows? The significance of the hand as a whole, we all know about, but the detailing on there and what message is being conveyed in that severed body part is key and highly anticipated by us all.

It's another 'package' per say... just like the ITK, who packaged his body parts to Dexter in butcher paper.

We'll all find out soon enough.
We'll all find out soon enough.

Is it just me, or is it this season feels like I'm anxious for the last episode for the sole reason of seeing if they can salvage it?

I mean, there hasn't been any real suspense for me storyline-wise, I just wanna see if they can do something epic to make me interested in next season.

I mean, they milked the previews for the body parts on the horses for several episodes with very little payoff (which I thought REALLY could've been awesome!), after that they really gave up on really trying to hook the viewers.