Dexter Discussion Thread *Spoilers*

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What direction will the writers take it though? Will it be something Deb knows, but keeps quiet? Will she accept it and feed him victims? Will he spill everything about himself from the ITK's games to Doakes to Kyle Butler to Lumen?

With 2 more seasons left we know she doesn't turn him in. Scott Buck said something happens at the end of season 6 to set up the end game. Will Deb be a part of Dexter's end game?

And more Louis!
This was not a well written season. We've all talked at length about the many problems it has. The cliff-hanger was something many had already speculated (Deb finding out), so I'm not going to get all shocked and give it a pass.

That kinda says it all. I just better not have to wait 10 ____ing months for Dexter to say something cliche like, "this isn't what it looks like", and somehow weasel his way out of it in an episode.

I've been expecting Deb to find out since she made detective. They better not waste this. This season sucked from A to Y. Z is the only redeeming factor.
It has always seemed to me that Deb's choice in men was extremely suspect, but it's just a huge retcon to say she was in love with Dexter the whole time. If anything Lundy made the most sense, because she was just looking for love from a father figure. Dex is not a father figure to her. She even said in therapy that Harry paid more attention to Dex than her. If anything, Deb should resent Dex for that, and be jealous of him, not be in love with him.

I know Scott Buck has been a writer for a while now, and I really wonder if they've been playing with that idea over the years, or if Buck was one of those guys who sat at the table pushing for this idea while everyone else said "Eww, gross" and over the last 4 years everyone else quit, so he finally got his chance to do the 'Deb loves Dex' storyline.
Yeah..I never really had a problem with 5. It was kinda bleak and filled with anxiety but it was needed after season 4. I feel like this one was like 'ok's some campy, sloppy dexter with some of your favorite parts from the past seasons sprinkled in.'
The ending redeemed this season somewhat. I didn't really expect them to have the guts to go with it but it will set up for a very nice next season.

This season wore out its welcome for me so badly that an arguably great cliffhanger just left me underwhelmed. Because if next season is handed over to the same writers that did this season, bleh.
I can't believe I'm saying this but...
wow, what a lame show this was....
seriously if i went back in time and told myself Dexter sucks now I would say im crazy and slap myself,

anyway... this might be the first time this happens but the preview for this week's show that we saw last week totally gave away this episode, everything in the preview happened but that was it.....

I wonder, If there are 2 more seasons Deb must not turn it Dexter,
I mean, what else can happen...
OR Else Louis Kidnaps Debra for the entire season 7 and comes back in season 8...
Which I could see them doing......
Well, I did like tonight's ending. I feel that this could have/should have been the ending to season 5. This whole season was borderline terrible and I fear that the series, as a whole, will be damaged if this writing continues. I would have rather Deb found out last season and season 6 be the last. I would love for Dexter to go down in the television history books as one of the top series of all times but it will not if the show continues its decline. With all of that being said, the last 30 seconds was awesome! I felt nervous for the first time in 2 seasons.
I think the whole of Miami metro will find out and they will use dexter as manhunter/ assassin. Wouldn't put it passed the writers.
I think the whole of Miami metro will find out and they will use dexter as manhunter/ assassin. Wouldn't put it passed the writers.

you mean a happy ending...

well, i dont think Matthews would let it slide,
anywaya the way the show is being written so cheesy i could see them making an unbelievable happy ending...
I Don't want Dexter caught, i think dead is better than caught, Dex getting caught would suck, specially because he would die anyway,
Everything about this season was a total let down, from beginning to end. If the next season is anything like this one, I won't be watching Dexter anymore.
Trying to go to is a joke,
is getting ridiculous, everyone is defending the show left and right, some people are praising the show and the stuff in the show like Doomsday Killer and Deb's love for Dexter,
and anyone that says the show sucks is being called a troll....:slap

Of course it doesn't really matter,but, if I was writer looking into that website for a few seconds it would seem that people totally love this season, and that they are doing such a good job, :cuckoo:
I wonder how is this being discussed in the Dexter boards...
Of course it doesn't really matter,but, if I was writer looking into that website for a few seconds it would seem that people totally love this season, and that they are doing such a good job, :cuckoo:

OMG!!!! Fans of the show!?! Whaaaaa!??!?!?!!?

Seriously, I know it must be hard for you to believe, but there are people out there that don't agree with you and actually enjoyed this season.
Even the most die hard fan could see this season was disappointing. Just wasn't that interesting.

They had it right with the bio chemicals...but I wish there was something BIGGER for the last episode.
*puts hands slowly in the air* Well call me insane, but I loved how it ended.

The ending redeemed this season somewhat. I didn't really expect them to have the guts to go with it but it will set up for a very nice next season.

Yep, I totally agree
OMG!!!! Fans of the show!?! Whaaaaa!??!?!?!!?

Seriously, I know it must be hard for you to believe, but there are people out there that don't agree with you and actually enjoyed this season.

well sure of course, I still love Dexter, I stick to the show this entire season

but we all can have a mature and civilized conversation here, and talk about the show

but saying anyone that thinks the show was not good this season is a troll doesn't really show smart thinking, "just because you don't agree with me you must be a trolll"

and, my beliefs do not require others to agree with them, I really liked season 5, season 3 is not as bad as this one, people hate season 5 but fomr some reason I liked it,
im not going to deny that there were a lot of problems with season 3 and 5 and blindly follow a show that has crappy writers, and imagine anytime anyone disagree with me i would call them a troll?

This season, Deb's love for Dexter... you really thought that was good?
you didn't think Dexter fainting right before trying to get Travis was very predictable? I mean, people have already said what's wrong with the show,
I have no problem with people liking the show, but is the blindly following and the denying there is a problem this season is what bothers me
because the writers think that people loved this season and they could think they are doing a great job with being predictable, doing stuff that makes no sense and thinking we are idiots
well sure of course, I still love Dexter, I stick to the show this entire season

but we all can have a mature and civilized conversation here, and talk about the show

but saying anyone that thinks the show was not good this season is a troll doesn't really show smart thinking, "just because you don't agree with me you must be a trolll"

and, my beliefs do not require others to agree with them, I really liked season 5, season 3 is not as bad as this one, people hate season 5 but fomr some reason I liked it,
im not going to deny that there were a lot of problems with season 3 and 5 and blindly follow a show that has crappy writers, and imagine anytime anyone disagree with me i would call them a troll?

This season, Deb's love for Dexter... you really thought that was good?
you didn't think Dexter fainting right before trying to get Travis was very predictable? I mean, people have already said what's wrong with the show,
I have no problem with people liking the show, but is the blindly following and the denying there is a problem this season is what bothers me
because the writers think that people loved this season and they could think they are doing a great job with being predictable, doing stuff that makes no sense and thinking we are idiots

I was only replying to you because it seemed like you found it hard to believe those people on IMDb could actually like this season. No, you're not a "troll" for disagreeing with them, but they're not " :cuckoo: " for enjoying the show.

Also, you don't have to try and convince me that this season was a disappointment...because I loved everything about it, and that's not going to change. People, including yourself, just have to accept the fact that there are quite a few fans out there that would agree with me, that this season was awesome.