Insufferable S.O.B.
Dolls>>>>>>>action figures
True. This prolly doesn't have a action feature unles you count falling over.
So. DID invented dolls.
Dolls>>>>>>>action figures
So stupid people posted the same topic 2 times already without looking down 8 threads.
stupid figure idea maybe but that headsculpt is awesome!
So stupid people posted the same topic 2 times already without looking down 8 threads.
Two things missing from those other threads: King Darkness & EVIL FACE.
pixletwit thread > other kahkah threads.
Plus this one is educational. You just learned: dolls > actions figures and DiD invented the doll.
Who the hell would buy this?
Apple Fappers.
And when do you know someone uses Apple products? They'll tell you.
they wont just tell you....
they'll show you.
Actually, the Thompson Twins were a trio. . .and I would buy them before I bought this figure. . .and they looked stupid.Thompson duo.
Who the hell would buy this?
I was kind of interested when the teaser was shown soon after Jobs passed away. I work in an Apple-oriented computer facility and thought maybe it'd be cool to have on my desk. I got caught up in the iHype. I'd rather a Stephen Hawking figure.