I just can't believe that I see 41 people in this poll loving it. Sorry, but there is no way you can explain how this movie is even decent. Even if you did not see the OT, the story and characters are terrible.
Take this in a vacuum...Luke's training was not inspiring. Snoke's build up during the movie did not pay off. A "space race" where Sci-Fi is supposed to push technology, not inhibit our understanding of it. Then you have a well established hero throw a mutiny when a simple explanation would've sufficed. Then you have an entire plot line that ended up being entirely worthless on a non-interesting planet with awful characters. You then build up a character like Luke, then take the gravity of his impact, much like Iron Man in IM3, where he really is not there in the first place and undermining his heroism. Hux was as much a mustache twirling villain as I've ever seen one. Rey and Kylo had an interesting plot line, but that plot line was a dud with Snoke orchestrating it. Or at least you think he was, but at the end he wasn't?
Just cause you might like parts of a movie, does not make it good. Or even decent. You just settle for something that, with all the money involved, should be something, as a whole, that when you leave makes you go, "Wow".
But re
should be something, as a whole, that when you leave makes you go, "Wow":
For myself there aren't that movies that do that anyway
. And it's the 1) Will I pay to see this in theater again; 2) Pretty good, I saw it, but wouldn't pay to see it in theater again; 3) Didn't suck but sorry I paid for it; 4) OMG what a suck-fest-might-as-well-have-set-twenty-dollars-on-fire-I-hate-myself-now.
Re some of your comments, everyone sees things differently. I'm not villain-crazed so if Snoke was being "built up" I didn't notice. Even if I had noticed the "build-up", IMO typical Star Wars movie villain is taken out. (From the minute Snoke showed up it reminded me too much of the Emperor anyway - another twisted old guy...maybe for me they should have gone with a sort of Darth Maul type...
) For me, I think it's made clear that Kylo has an extraordinary power and is volatile and complex so his behavior isn't surprising. IMO he's pretty interesting.
Loved the island. And the porgs. The buildings reminded me of a part of Italy in a picture I saw. Unique. That tells me the designers were pulling from influences from all over the world, which IMO is awesome. I didn't see Luke as being undermined at all; I saw someone who had already had one awful confrontation (father) and then arguably his own nephew will become one of the most powerful Force-wielders ever born. Except there's a darkness in Kylo. Other, older, "wiser" Jedi in Luke's past had point-blank told Luke to kill his father ("then the Emperor has already won").
So I don't have a problem with Luke retreating to an island when the problem he is facing is impossible with impossible solutions. (At least it was kinda different then "I failed, so that's that, but Yoda's gonna teach me to talk to my dead master and no problem about me retreating to a desert where my laundry and food magically appears etc.)
Also, if Luke left after the massacre (where his own nephew lashed out and killed other students so there's that guilt) - he's probably seen other areas along the way that get along just fine without having a trained Force-wielder around. SW seems to have implied that having Jedi around is a good thing, to balance the Force (which is everywhere). But Luke is contemplating ending all of that - let that knowledge die - and on top of that, he'd have to ask if he, himself, has that right.
What's wrong with Luke NOT being silly? e.g. Mark Hamill is not OLD, but sounds like people want a one-on-one Obi-Wan type fight.
Obi-Wan and Darth Vader. Sword on sword. But that's been done before; and then there's the problem of taking on a younger, taller, trained, Kylo. How do you do that visually onscreen, one-on-one, without it straining credibility? IMO the treatment was brilliant - at least, my entire theater cheered.
Anyway not gonna say I walked out thinking "this was the best movie of all time!" There's them HOLES
. Like Rose (who I liked) suddenly announcing she loves Finn. Not credible. IMO in parts the narrative flow is off; editing needed tightening; lapses in logic. (For me the multiple Rey sequence was a fail - IMO it looked silly - I see where they were trying to go, but IMO it didn't work and it just sort of happens with no real lead-in). But IMO all of the Star Wars movies have stuff I would have changed. Doesn't mean I don't enjoy them.
Not sure how I feel about it yet
. I need to see it again now that the "newness" is gone. But overall, at the moment, holes and all, I'd lean towards it being a good movie. Some great performances. Interesting treatments. It was something different for SW. IMO it was not disrespectful so much as more of a "mature" treatment where things are less black and white.