i really really doubt people would waste money just to do joke poses like that lol.
O ye of little faith.

i really really doubt people would waste money just to do joke poses like that lol.
You ever visited the **** section at OSW?
I knew from Kit that there was a company making S&M dungeon equipment, but couldn't remember who.
Then I just opened Supermadtoys' Facebook for news on their Harley Quinn, and in the adverts on the right was the company:
A ball gag to fit Trump's mouth, which is probably what a lot of his aides wished he would wear to prevent him saying the first thing that comes into his head:
the customization for this thing will be insane![]()
so many things that you can do with a figure like this:
I'm sure there will be interest threads for a God Emperor version.
The pic is Trumps face on the Emperors body, its not the same as the mini you posted, which is a Marine Commander.
I'd consider one too, even with the goofy likeness.
just so u get your facts straight Rhodes was no diplomacy architect. he was a speech writer and advisor. many countries and people were involved with the deal. he was also an advisor on the new Cuba relations with the US. also he is jewish so him being appointed to the holocaust musem council isnt shocking, the council has 50+ members many are jewish. the council consist of house of reps and senators too that the president appoints. but he did not write or architect diplomacy.
If I had this, I'd definitely use the open mouthed sculpt that looks like he's speaking. I personally think it's near spot on (granted there's no pics of it with paint apps yet) and would go perfectly with the "a-ok" hand gesture that he usually makes when he speak.
did u read the jpost article? it says he was the architect to sell the iran deal to the public not the architect of the actual iran deal itself. and of course he was to sell it, he was his advisor. that was his job.
sorry freebeacon is a fake news right wing conservative website.
I think the faces sculpts on. Oath portraits are really good, but the top of his head is just wrong. Too flat, too small. Would probably look better with the MAGA cap but hats in this scale are never really good.
I'm guessing you didn't read beyond the third paragraph and didn't bother reading the second article at all.
No worries though, not really here nor there at the moment.![]()
Yes i did read the first article and there is no statement saying he was the architect of the Iran deal which is why i replied to your original post because those are the words you used. He did not architect the Iran deal. your words "subsequently appointed pro-Iran diplomacy architect Ben Rhodes to the Holocaust Museum Board".
He was an advisor not a diplomacy architect. Very very different things. JPost called him an "architect" of "selling it" to the American public. again, that is hugely different than being the "actual architect of the Iran deal".
I read a tiny bit of the Beacon article until it was clear it was a right wing conservative fake news site. Then I looked it up and they are listed as one of those sites to watch out for on fake news.
Correct. Which is why I didn't say he was the architect of the Iran Deal. Beyond the Iran Deal, he was advocating and calling to improve diplomatic relations with Iran (pro-Iran) while being Jewish himself. This is why he drew the ire of many in the Jewish community and why his appointment to the HMB was considered a slap in the face.
Where'd you look it up at that gives a list of "fake news" sources?
If this is going to turn into a discussion on the current political climate though, we should probably just start PM'ing each other so as not to digress from the Trump figure.
I'm sure there will be interest threads for a God Emperor version.