Merry kneeling before Theoden
The Grey Havens - including Cirdan AND the ship!
The Council of Elrond
Gollum leading Frodo and Sam through the Dead Marshes with perhaps the Elf corpse/ghost in the water
The four hobbits in the Green Dragon
or perhaps
Inside the Prancing Pony with Strider sitting in the corner. Actually perhaps a wall with both inside and outside (with the Prancing Pony sign)
The same idea for Frodo and Gandalf discussing the Ring (the Shadow of the Past) in the kitchen at Bag End with Sam outside the window listening, er, I mean, gardening, yeah, thats it
Eowyn facing the Witchking with Merry (nobody really wants another small Fell Beast but how about having its severed head lying on the ground next to them)
A companion piece to that - Theoden crushed beneath Snowmane
Ok, lets get crazy:
The Charge of the Rohirrim - Theoden, Eomer, Eowyn with Merry and perhaps an unknown Rohan Soldier, all on horses with spears out and swords drawn!