Nothing in the world , to compete with traditional hand drawn Disney animation movies !!! Be it in terms of Character designing , Background paintings , Cel paintings , the amazing concept arts .........My goodness , they were all FABULOUS as the past Disney artists simply put their heart and soul into it and worked .
Each and every art work had that much depth and life in it , Immortal treasures !!! We can never ever imagine such a beautiful art with the invention of CGI , IGC...GIC....what ever crap we call .
I seriously feel that the Lion King would have had much much more depth in it if Disney would not have used CGI .
For instance , lets compare Bambi [ original ] and Bambi 2 . I could enjoy myself so closely with the original Bambi as it was a pure art work , 100 % manual.
By and large , Disney has lost a wonderful art of it's own origin , the art of traditional animation , that was the ultimate base for the Disney history and achievements . Too bad that Disney neglected it totally just for the cheap commercial sake