Disney Live Action Little Mermaid

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Cleopatra was black — she’s from Africa


That's just Michael Jackson, bro.
C'mon Khev, you and I usually see eye to eye, but what is said above, and the way it's said clearly shows a great deal of hatred towards black people. Would you speak to a black person that way, face to face?

For decades, 99% of all characters on screen were white, so now there's more ethnic diversity in film and television. I don't see how this is a problem. It now better represents this country.

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Lol well he did freak out on another forum and posted some **** on 4chan. Crows showed me. Kept talking about bbc
C'mon Khev, you and I usually see eye to eye, but what is said above, and the way it's said clearly shows a great deal of hatred towards black people. Would you speak to a black person that way, face to face?

For decades, 99% of all characters on screen were white, so now there's more ethnic diversity in film and television. I don't see how this is a problem. It now better represents this country.

Whoa, I missed this post until ironwez quoted it. I'm totally fine with ethnic diversity on film. Hell for a good number of years in the 90's the majority of action films that I watched came from Hong Kong. I'm just against "forced diversity" by race swapping established icons.

But, as I've said multiple times now I'm still open enough to the idea to praise it when it's done well (Kingpin, Fury, MJ, Domino, etc.) As a general rule though I prefer a "first" representation of any given character to always honor the original source material. Sure Ariel has been white already in an animated film but I would have preferred that she stay that way for her first live-action flick before switching her up. On that same note if black audiences really really want a black Steve Rogers (which I think would be strange but whatever) then hey go hog wild now that he's been properly represented by Chris Evans.

And also once again, I feel the *exact* same way when it comes to existing black characters. I don't *ever* want to see a white Blade, Spawn, or T'Challa but at least the "first" appearances of those characters on film were done correctly so I'd be less annoyed if they swapped them in the future.

As a side note keep in mind that I don't think that you're wrong or "bad" for wanting more race swapping to occur. I don't play the game of trying to make everyone with different preferences as me out to be some evil garbage person. You and I may disagree politically on a lot of issues or about the best way to portray fantasy characters on screen but I still consider you a friend and fellow board homie. :duff
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You're disgusting.

It's been that way for as long as I've visited here. The world is a different place now and some people would rather have all the representation.

Should of seen the captain marvel and last Jedi threads back then. Lots of **** was said but I sat back and laughed at the rage
Should of seen the captain marvel and last Jedi threads back then. Lots of **** was said but I sat back and laughed at the rage

What's your take on making established white characters black? Representation, tokenization, or a complete non-issue? I'm surprised that more POC don't follow YoungRippa's lead in dismissing it as disingenuous pandering. The "sloppy seconds" of an established character as he often puts it.
They really did beat Disney to the punch didn't they. Her outfit during the big Ring of Fire duel even seemed like something a true Disney Princess would wear.

Totally! Everything about Meras look screamed Ariel outside of not having a fishtail lol
What's your take on making established white characters black? Representation, tokenization, or a complete non-issue? I'm surprised that more POC don't follow YoungRippa's lead in dismissing it as disingenuous pandering. The "sloppy seconds" of an established character as he often puts it.

Well sometimes I feel like it’s unnecessary. Like say making wolverine, captain America, or Batman or Superman. I feel like it’s just saying. Look guys we made this character black so now u don’t have to cry anymore about representation. I think we need to make our own characters and our own stories. We need to establish more original black characters not piggy back off white ones cause people will never see Superman as a black guy but they’ll always see black panther as black cause he was made that way.

Now in terms of Ariel. I don’t really care. It’s the sea so I’m fine with this interpretation. But if they like made her like a guy or something then I’d be like what? I agree with rippas vids sometimes. I didn’t like miles either. I feel he’s a weak character and spiderverse made him better imo.

I think Disney should focus on making an actual African princess who isn’t a frog for half the movie or a African character just in general in there new animated films.
They could do the Ten Commandments couldn’t they?

And have Egyptian kings and queens played by actual African Americans
My vote for Triton goes to Idris


White beard though
This iconic hoe played a black queen


Cleopatra was black — she’s from Africa


Now man, you should check your history!

Cleopatra was white. She wasn’t even African but Greek! Last I checked Greeks were white! :)

Oh, and Ben Kingsley (Krishna Pandit Bhanji, real name), though born in England, is of Indian descent (his father was Indian)
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Does this now mean little white girls wont be able to dress like Ariel for Halloween?

People actually complained when white girls dressed up like Moana :lol

I guess as log as they make sure they are cartoon Ariel then they will get a pass.. But if they dress like Live action Ariel we should dox them :lol