Re: DISNEY Acquires FOX Film/TV Studios! X-Men, F4, Deadpool Join the MCU! Raise a gl

Always best to see it for yourself.

Always best to see it for yourself.
I posted this in another thread, but you do know that critics do get paid off, more access, etc. for favorable reviews, right? I don't trust anyone, except for my own opinion. Always best to see it for yourself.
No, I don't know that, and neither do you. Seriously, conspiracy theories are so tired.
Well, in the comics the celestials put the X gene in humans and it took thousands of years for mutants to emerge, so they can go with that idea.
Then again aliens didn't show up on earth until Thor and later Avengers, so that means until that point humans on earth hand no idea tat there were other worlds and universes, hell even Asia and New York city. Humans are just clueless.
So the concept of mutants could be either a brand new phenomenon, due to genetic manipulation by Celestials like Kurt Russell that occurred thousands of years ago, or mutants have been around for thousands of years and they became a myth...stories from the bible, the middle ages, Asian myths...etc., but the world governments knew about it to the point that maybe mutants babies are killed or taken away. It's only the human looking mutants that manage to assimilate and live among normal humans, which would explain Xavier's desire to find as many mutants as possible and creating a safe place for them in the Xavier School for special children.
As to why do everyday people don't know about it, or why the mutants feel the need to hide when there are all these well known super heroes? Perhaps mutants were afraid, but they begin to come out of the closet (sort of speak) because of the popular heroes.
These are just ideas, but I really do't want to go full SNIKT with fan fiction that won't be used by Disney and instead the MCU just introduces mutants without any logical explanation, because that would be disappointing and lazy.
I just hope Disney doesn't nerf the X Men too much.
I think making Mutants a contemporaneous thing could hurt certain important characters like Wolverine, or Magneto. The only way to go is making sure Mutants have been around in some way shape or form.
Wolverine can easily be put in WW2 along with CA. In a way, the fact that the first CA movie rushed Steve Roger's military career by using a montage, could benefit Wolverine if they were to show him during WW2 in some kind of flashback scene where the two character work together briefly.
Magneto on the other hand, they'll have to find a way to de-age him in the present if they make him a holocaust survivor, but if they do, they could also tie his mutant background with Hitler and Red Skull. Perhaps in the MCU history Hitler was a mutant hater, and thus, that's one of the many reasons he tried to killed certain people, as he did in real life with people with disabilities and anyone who wasn't healthy and "pure." Or, Hitler knew about mutants and thus wanted Red Skull to find a way to create super humans for his army...which could be connected to the first CA film. In fact, the whole super serum from CA could be connected with the government wanting to replicate the powers of mutants or as a way to fight mutants if necessary.
Again, that's more pointless fan fiction![]()
Yup, they skipped Spidey's origin, which I don't mind, and they used a quick youtube video on a phone as the character's background/5 month history in the MCU.
They'll have to try harder with the X Men. The F4 is easy, and all the cosmic stuff involving the X Men and F4 is already taken care of because of GOTG and Avenger films.
I was actually talking about how he was introduced in Civil War. He’s recruited out of nowhere by Stark which felt extremely forced because he needed even numbers in a fight? Which is ridiculous considering he could have just built like 10 robots to join in on the fight. I’m fine with skipping his origin, but they literally just threw him in the middle of the movie and then literally threw him right out. His movie did a decent enough job establishing him in the universe though.
Yea F4 is definitely easy.
I was talking about CW too. Tony shows the youtube video of Spidey and then they talk about why Peter became spidey, but you know what, I don't think he mentioned uncle Ben either, just that he needed to stop bad things from happening to good people, so even his motivation was very vague and lazy.
Lol come to think of it tony could of called in one of his robots to fights with him.
I was talking about CW too. Tony shows the youtube video of Spidey and then they talk about why Peter became spidey, but you know what, I don't think he mentioned uncle Ben either, just that he needed to stop bad things from happening to good people, so even his motivation was very vague and lazy.