Disney Takes Over Future Rights to Indiana Jones Films

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I absolutely think people should introduce their kids to the original stuff. Part of the charm is the five or six year old peeking out from behind their hands as Toht's melts away or as Mola Ram holds the beating heart, but I also think that, if new content can be created that respects the original series and can provide another avenue for kids to continue following Indy's adventures, why shouldn't it? I know what you mean, though. It seems like, now-a-days, there's no respect for the classics. I love contemporary cinema as much as the next guy, but where there's a present, there must be a past, and I see far too often that people are willing to blatantly disregard incredible films because they may seem dated by today's standards, or because they don't feature top-of-the-line CGI.
It's not a terribly valid point. Certainly not an "extremely valid" one. You're supporting his prediction of the future with the "what if" game.

Skull had to happen with Ford, it was supposed to from the getgo. Had he backed out and they picked someone else, then maybe there'd be something to all this, but that's not the case. That still made 4 times its budget, even as messy as it was and after word had long been out about how fugly things had gotten in Indyland. And that's not all because of Ford. I know there are a lot of people out there, who you might decry as fans for it, who love the series including that movie, warts and all.

Wrong, it absolutely is. If they'd recast the role, it would've gone the way of all the other POS remakes. America returned to see the latest installment of Ford as Indy. That's the ONLY reason it made as much as it did. What's next, you gonna claim it was the droves of Lucas haters or Shia leDouche fans who threw money at the box office? :lol
I'm sure there's probably a lot of classics, dear to people who are older than me, that I have never seen or felt inclined to watch. I just can't imagine anyone seeing that Robocop poster though and not going ''ooh I must watch that'' unless they're just flat out uninterested in sci-fi. It doesn't look dated, I refuse to believe I am wearing nostalgia goggles when I look at that poster and that suit. Indiana Jones is perhaps less instantly eye-catching. A guy in a hat with a whip, the actor somewhat familiar to young eyes but not a major draw in himself (as he is to us)
Eh, I didn't really even like Indiana Jones as a kid. It felt like a chore watching them on VHS, especially the exposition scenes like in Cairo or Pankot Palace. It really wasn't like Star Wars in the sense where your were hypnotized by what you were seeing like it was some kind of magic. In fact, I was a sick little **** because I clearly remember only being intrigued by the grotesque scenes of headshots, melting faces, heart pulling, etc.

It wasn't until I was a little older that I began to appreciate them more, especially Raiders. That's when began to I love them and felt like I was in on the action and adventure. I remember putting in Raiders waaay back when after not seeing it for years and I got up to the fantastic desert chase sequence. It actually felt like I was watching it for the very first time.
Wrong, it absolutely is. If they'd recast the role, it would've gone the way of all the other POS remakes. America returned to see the latest installment of Ford as Indy. That's the ONLY reason it made as much as it did. What's next, you gonna claim it was the droves of Lucas haters or Shia leDouche fans who threw money at the box office? :lol

Those Karen Allen fans have been saving up for decades man. :lol
I don't really remember not loving Indiana Jones. Well in 1989 I wanted to go see Police Academy 17 but the projector broke down and I 'had to' move into the Last Crusade showing. But from that point at least I loved Indy.
I remember as a kid thinking it was weird that Jones Sr. banged Elsa at some point. I didn't quite understand that dynamic and it didn't fully register or sit right with me at the time. :lol
I can't even count the sexual movie innuendo that went over my head as a kid. Batman, Ghostbusters, Indy, Jurassic Park, everything. :lol I'm sure I was running around calling people *****-face and worse with zero context. We used to make my friend's 6 yr red headed step brother dress up like Colonel Vogel in full SS Dress and run around outside while we chased him with whips.
Yeah, you almost forget how naive you once were.

I didn't know Zul wanted Venkman's "key" or any of the **** the Joker was saying. Hell, I remember my older cousin telling me that Bruce and Vicki Vale ****ed and I was like, "nahhh, noooo Batman wouldn't do that, they were just sleeping together!". Then I knew.

Now I'm like, "yo Indy don't fall asleep, tell Marion that it 'hurts' and have her kiss you down there!"
Wrong, it absolutely is.
An absolute based on nothing concrete. How fun.
If they'd recast the role, it would've gone the way of all the other POS remakes. America returned to see the latest installment of Ford as Indy. That's the ONLY reason it made as much as it did. What's next, you gonna claim it was the droves of Lucas haters or Shia leDouche fans who threw money at the box office? :lol

I guess you'd rather continue to create strawmen and argue things you couldn't possibly know as if you're saying something meaningful.
You should read better, too. I said if Ford had backed out and they went ahead and recast for Skull, then MAYBE what you guys are pissing and moaning about MIGHT have some merit, because you've based it all on Skull. That's all. But it didn't happen that way, yet you're still arguing a "what if".
You can't possibly know the future, so all this puffery, mostly based on the tired, selfish, small-minded "THEY'RE RAPING MY CHILDHOOD!" crutch, is silly.
An absolute based on nothing concrete. How fun.

I guess you'd rather continue to create strawmen and argue things you couldn't possibly know as if you're saying something meaningful.
You should read better, too. I said if Ford had backed out and they went ahead and recast for Skull, then MAYBE what you guys are pissing and moaning about MIGHT have some merit, because you've based it all on Skull. That's all. But it didn't happen that way, yet you're still arguing a "what if".
You can't possibly know the future, so all this puffery, mostly based on the tired, selfish, small-minded "THEY'RE RAPING MY CHILDHOOD!" crutch, is silly.

If I knew someone had Fat Video Game Creepy Uncle Jesus Killin' Daniel Radcliffe's DOODZ In His Spawn to play from their deck I'd have kept my fingers shut. :lol
So KCS would have made four times its budget if Ford had not been in it?

He's saving that once the Shia leDouche fans argument fails. :lecture

That's what he/she claimed, but said we couldn't read when we made fun of it. :lol

That's not at all what I said, not even close. Quit making things up. Your comprehension sucks when you don't like what you're seeing and you start making **** up to argue against that's just not true. What I said was that the movie made 4 times its budget even after it was widely known during its release what a poor entry into the franchise it had become to a good many fans. That's not even close to what you two decided, it's ridiculous. Getting old having to repeat myself just for you to continue choosing to get it wrong.

I don't and didn't disagree that Ford as Indy is a key factor, that's kind of a duh. And I never even hinted that without him it would've done as well, or even marginally decent. Nor did I say it was Shia LaBeouf who was the draw either. That said, there were plenty of viewers who did enjoy the movie, and not only because Ford was in it. If you want to say who claimed what, you're the one who claimed it was Ford, and only Ford, who made all that money. But you have absolutely no basis to support that claim. You made it up and decided it was a fact because it supports what you want it to. Yeah, fantastic argument. :cuckoo:
The argument's entirely valid because Ford = Indy, period. I can easily take your own argument and use it against you, arguing that your point is straight-up horseshit because you can't prove an Indiana Jones movie without Ford would be successful. It hasn't been done. You have absolutely NOTHING to validate your point.
The argument's entirely valid because Ford = Indy, period. I can easily take your own argument and use it against you, arguing that your point is straight-up horseshit because you can't prove an Indiana Jones movie without Ford would be successful. It hasn't been done. You have absolutely NOTHING to validate your point.

Not exactly the same, but fair enough. However, what you're arguing is only supported by alternate reality versions of what happened, nothing at all that did. That, and what you've made up in your head to feel justified in all those truly baseless but no less forceful remarks.

In mine, there's a definite future where it seems that Indiana Jones will be played by someone else. I have reality pending in my favor. If it sucks and fails, then so be it. But at least I'm arguing for something that can be proven out.
The difference is, I'm willing to keep my head up about it and wait and see, whereas you and others are determined to hate everything about anything new because it always somehow goes against something you seem to feel "Hollywood" owes you. And so you lash out.