Yeah, after Disney spent 4 billion they're going to have their own ideas. Like hiring a director of their choosing.
No kidding. They ain't forking over 4 bill only to allow George to still have "veto" power over anything.

Yeah, after Disney spent 4 billion they're going to have their own ideas. Like hiring a director of their choosing.
I wonder if these movies will entirely negate the expanded universe post-Jedi books? Just curious...
Bottom Line: More Star Wars is good.
Even if Disney doesn't hit a home run at every at bat there's bound to be some gems the fans will cling too. Especially with Lucas on the sidelines.
Yeah, after Disney spent 4 billion they're going to have their own ideas. Like hiring a director of their choosing.
The most important creative mind to keep aboard for the new trilogy is John Williams, IMO.
This looks like a perfect fit for the people at Pixar.
They should bring back Gary Kurtz to produce and make Rick McCollum walk the plank. Gary kept Lucas in check.
The end of the world has gotta be around the corner, it's gotta be.
"Meh" news for me really. I thought Star Wars died years ago with the new millennium. Everything is just merging together and being recycled.
I still have the original trilogy and all the nostalgia and memories from the 70s, 80s and 90s. The best thing that can come out of this is the Original Trilogy (not new versions, or special editions but the originals) updated on blu ray/the latest home video option. I won't be prejudice against this but I'm not going to welcome it with open arms either. I don't care about the "new" Star Wars. I guess it's good for new generations and their "Star Wars", whatever the hell that is. Whatever happens, happens.