Disney to Acquire Lucasfilm Ltd.

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Today is a great day for me. Lucas planned it all along then, still cant believe it but i did think he had a agenda with his films. Han Solo at 65??? want to see him and His old Falcon. :monkey1:monkey1:monkey1
I'm a casual Star Wars fan. Has there been any rumours of Disney re-making all the movies?? I think that is something only Disney could get away with and deliver in an awesome way.

Disney's plans were announced yesterday. They plan to make eps. 7, 8 and 9. Episode 7 will be in theaters in (May?) 2015.
Originally Posted by newmennium View Post
Zimmer isn't good enough to wipe John Williams' ass."

That was uncalled for.
Hans Zimmer is a great composer, and while John Williams IS the Star Wars composer, there is no need for gratuitous insults toward Zimmer.
You must get off on totally unnecessary negativity.

Yes. This obvious joke was totally uncalled for. Nam should be ashamed. :mad:
Nolan would be terrible for Star wars, he will try to make star wars realistic and make it a drama instead of a Sci fi adventure, this is too fantastical for him to do.

What about Stephen Speilberg?

Ok you convinced me no nolan and speilberg would be excellent
Originally Posted by newmennium View Post
Zimmer isn't good enough to wipe John Williams' ass."

That was uncalled for.
Hans Zimmer is a great composer, and while John Williams IS the Star Wars composer, there is no need for gratuitous insults toward Zimmer.
You must get off on totally unnecessary negativity.

just to be fair...I said the coffee line...and its just a joke, but primarily I don't see Zimmer having the composition talent of Willams...his style is completely different and I'm not sure he could do a symphonic composition that could stand alone without the electronic influences his music tends to have....that being said, I like Zimmer alot
Very cool! Must be exciting times for SW fans. Or is it *****ing and moaning time? I can never tell LOL.

I'm not b*tching. There was a time I would have dreaded Disney's involvement, but I think they've proven themselves with Marvel Studios.

As someone who was 9 when the original Star Wars came out in '77 I am cautiously optimistic. George is going to step away and let fresh blood in there. It was time. This is a blank sheet of paper.

For the first time in ages Star Wars has an open end. The writers don't need to dovetail into episode 3 or 4. The Star Wars Saga is not supposed to tread water or run in place or fill in the blanks. That's what it has been doing since the late 90's and I'm sick of it.

Finally, The Star Wars Saga Continues.

Think its so good G Lucas planned this all along and never told us, that he planned to give a new set of film makers the chance to make more Star Wars.
That was uncalled for.
Hans Zimmer is a great composer, and while John Williams IS the Star Wars composer, there is no need for gratuitous insults toward Zimmer.
You must get off on totally unnecessary negativity.

I'm surprised you took your hands off his jock long enough to type that. :lol
just to be fair...I said the coffee line...and its just a joke, but primarily I don't see Zimmer having the composition talent of Willams...his style is completely different and I'm not sure he could do a symphonic composition that could stand alone without the electronic influences his music tends to have....that being said, I like Zimmer alot

I know that nam edited your post and I read the original about getting William's coffee. I saw the humor in it which indicated that you felt that he wasn't quite right for the job. I understand that. Your comment did not smack of negativity or disrespect, unlike nam's, which was waaay overboard and extremely offensive, to say the least. Nam should wish he has as much talent as Hans Zimmer, yet he would insult him.
I agree that the style of Zimmer, while inspiring and Epic, would not be right for the last 3 Star Wars films, because it would break continuity and change the flavor of it too much. I would consider Zimmer for any EU films, however. After all, Williams can't do everything and won't live forever. Williams is 80 and Zimmer is 55.
Think its so good G Lucas planned this all along and never told us, that he planned to give a new set of film makers the chance to make more Star Wars.

He said he wanted to make 9 films over 30 years ago. I remember people saying that Darth Vader was disfigured in a battle with Obi Wan when he fell into a volcano, in 1978.
He said he wanted to make 9 films over 30 years ago. I remember people saying that Darth Vader was disfigured in a battle with Obi Wan when he fell into a volcano, in 1978.

I remember that too, though not as early as 1978... I think I heard it around 1984. :lecture
I'm not *****ing. There was a time I would have dreaded Disney's involvement, but I think they've proven themselves with Marvel Studios.
Well in that case, Iron Man (the template for all Marvel Studios stuff) was released before Disney ever became involved. In that situation, I think Disney did the right thing by letting the guys who already knew what they were doing, continue to do that stuff. . .specifically Kevin Feige who has remained the chief architect of what Marvel has done (very successfully).

In the Star Wars case, the guys who have previously been doing it were doing it badly. So, an intervention of sorts is needed. I'm not saying Disney can't do good by this franchise and can't give us great movies, etc., but I wouldn't personally use Marvel as a comparable example. Marvel was already going in the right direction before Disney got involved.
I remember that too, though not as early as 1978... I think I heard it around 1984. :lecture

Since I heard it while living in CA, I am guessing that the original info came from someone who knew someone who knew someone, ect, until it made it through the grapevine to the astute child geek.:lol I remembered hearing that for the first time , and thinking it was very big news.

You know, at the time, I thought, "What are they doing fighting on top of a volcano?? Don't they know that one of them could fall in"?? I was 8.
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Not as cool, but I remember in 1995 before the prequels were even officially announced someone that I briefly worked with knew the clones mentioned in ANH were Mandalorians. Maybe that was widespread knowledge at the time but I never heard it. Some people could be in the know, others could just be guessing. With so much speculation about the SW verse (even back in 1978) someone's guesses were bound to be right.