I have to admit that while I do feel sympathy, it's really cool to see pictures like that. Just be thankful it didn't drop to the right and melt Theoden!
Anyone have pics of these LED lamps you speak of? Do they plug into the regular socket? I mean, my cabinet came with its own set of lamps, and if LEDs are as bright and cheaper and save me more on energy, I don't mind going that route.
R, you never answered the question about what you'd taped to the halogen light. It looked like an improvised cardboard baffle meant to bounce the light back at the figures.
R, you never answered the question about what you'd taped to the halogen light. It looked like an improvised cardboard baffle meant to bounce the light back at the figures. I'm curious about what the surface over the figure looks like -- was it scorched?
Putting ANYTHING on a halogen light that isn't designed for it is extremely dangerous. Changing the direction of the light also changes the buildup of heat. When changing a halogen bulb you're supposed to wear gloves or use a cloth to handle the new bulb because a tiny bit of oil from your fingers will cause it to heat irregularly and can make the bulb explode later. Darren was on the money -- you're very, very lucky this didn't erupt into a bigger fire. Had it taken even one shelf, you'd have smoke damage throughout your home.
LEDs (light emitting diodes) are the way to go today. Anyone who's got halogens should understand their use, and use them only as directed.
As for these LED lamps --- Darren, if they're battery operated ... does that mean you have to turn them on individually when you want to showcase them to people? That's a lot of lamps! A white light would be nice, but I'm not so sure how well they work in an HT setup -- if it will detract from watching a video properly while lit. White light tends to diffuse differently compared to incandescent light. Do these white LEDs behave like fluorescent lights?