Return/exchange product purchased from an Ebay auction.
If you purchased our product directly from an Ebay Retailer and wish to return it for a replacement or refund, you must contact them and complete this process with the original seller. We cannot issue direct refunds or replacements for our products sold by other retailers.
Sideshow Collectibles will not replace damaged product to third parties (even if factory sealed) and will only deal with the original purchaser as per our 30 Day Return Policy. This policy is similar to any other manufacturer who sells to a retail vendor who in turn is fulfilling to the public. The damaged item is returned to the original place of purchase for replacement or refund, regardless if it is a physical store or an Ebay store.
If your Ebay Retailer is a direct wholesale client of ours, Sideshow Collectibles will follow our Wholesale Return/Exchange policy with the store. If the item is covered by this policy, then an account representative will work with them to resolve your situation.
Due to the limited edition nature of our product, we cannot guarantee that the item(s) can be replaced at the time of return or that damaged specific edition numbers can be replaced with the same number. In this case, a substitution or refund will be offered to the vendor and in turn to you.
There is no way to be able to predict when second parties will resell Sideshow products to a third party buyer through an auction, which is why we strongly urge Ebay buyers to ask for pictures of the item out of the box including pictures of bases with edition sizes for verification, and to confirm the seller’s exchange/refund policies prior to bidding. Please question a seller who advises that you will be able to “just return it directly to Sideshow if there is a problem” since this does not meet the specifications of our 30 Day Return Policy.
Please click here for more helpful suggestions you should review prior to purchasing any of our product through an auction!