Bib is one of those guys that you know instantly what he is all about the second you see him. His entire being is clearly shown within ten seconds of him intercepting the droids. He's freaky and interesting, and he looks like a monster, but he's also got on all these delicate robes and jewelery, and then that big friggin piece of armor up front which makes one think he might possbily be an asskicker (a thought quickly disspelled when Jabba tosses him).
As an EU character, he is one of the few to survive the Sail Barge incident in ROTJ. He's clever, feral, cruel, nasty, and an all round interesting character. His voice is neat, and his delicate movements and theatrical bearing just really endear him to me. Watch him in that first scene, where he's pawing at R2. You can't tell me you didn;t get a chill the first time you saw those claws extend toward our little astromech.
As for the staff, it's just a cool accessory. Is it in the film? No. It was an added value pack in to a Kenner figure that had to be one of the more striking of that vaunted line. I love the staff as a nostalgic piece, but also because it will allow for more striking stances when I display him. For example, I never get tired of finding new ways to pose Red Death, who also comes with an oversized symbol of phallic superiority.
I'm really looking forward to Bib, can you tell?